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microbleeds 基本例句 微出血 Cerebralmicrobleedson T2*-weighted gradient-echo magnetic resonance imaging may be indicative of hemorrhage-prone microangiopathy.通过T2加权梯度回波磁共振成像技术检测到的脑微出血可反映微血管病变的出血倾向。 The locations ofmicrobleedswere in subcortical w h ite matter , thalamus , basal ganglia , brain stem , and cerebellun .3 4%的微出血位于皮层下白质内 ;2 5.;2%位于基底节;18 The risk of dementia was reported to be increased 4-fold in patients with subcortical infarcts.Cortical microinfarcts andmicrobleedswere also shown to be associated with cognitive decline.一项让年老的房颤病人口服抗凝剂的试验证实华法林的效果优于阿司匹林且并不增加出血这一严重不良反应。 The value of MRI fast field echo technique in diagnosis of acute cerebral hemorrhage and cerebralmicrobleeds磁共振快速场回波技术对颅内出血的应用价值 Keywords IntracerebralmicrobleedsGradient-echo T2* MRI Lacunar infarcts White matter changes;脑内微出血;梯度回波磁共振;腔隙性梗塞;脑白质改变; |