

单词 Microbiotas
释义 Microbiotas
微体古生物群¹⁰⁰原型microbiota的复数Eventually, an individual's gutmicrobiotabecomes as unique as a fingerprint.最终每个人体内的微生物种类变得像指纹一样独特。
N fertilizers on soilmicrobiotaand microbial activity in cotton field.张英;褚秋华;邱少生;等.;11年连续肥料处理对水稻土碳
Ourmicrobiotaare highly evolved for living within us and with each other.这些共享我们身体的生物,都已高度演化,才得以和人类、以及其他细菌一同生存下去。
What's indigestible to you is a seven-course meal to your gutmicrobiota.没有被消化的食物对你的消化道微生物来说是一道大餐。
The key step will be gathering more knowledge of our indigenousmicrobiotaand how they interact with us.而关键步骤,是要蒐集更多关于我们体内原生微生物菌丛,以及它们与人体如何作用的知识。
These observations support the hypothesis of functional redundancy in the human gutmicrobiota.雷尔曼和德特雷福森希望,焦磷酸测序法进一步用于评估抗生素对肠道有益菌和人体健康的影响。




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