

单词 microbiota
释义 microbiota 英,maikrəubai'əutə美,maikrəubai'əutə COCA¹³⁶⁴⁶⁷BNC¹⁴⁴⁶⁶⁴⁺³iWeb²⁵⁶⁵¹
In the future, an improved understanding of the microbiota may allow us to diagnose diseases on the basis of microbiota composition and to design specific interventions.
基于对它们的更多了解,未来我们才有可能根据微生物群的组成来诊断疾病和开发有针对性的药物。 yeeyan

It makes sense, when you consider that the vast majority of the cells and genes in the typical human body belong to the microbiota.
考虑到体内的细菌贡献了人体中大部分的细胞和基因,如上菌类与人体相互作用的观点具有重要意义。 dxy

There are many factors that shape the microbiota, such as genetics, drugs and the environment.
遗传背景、药物、环境等诸多因素都会影响肠道菌群的形成。 sciencenet

A more fundamental question, then, is, What causes changes in gut microbiota?
然而,一个更为基本的问题,是什么引起了肠道菌群的变化? yeeyan

But just how telltale is this trail of microbiota?
但是谁又能证明这些小东西就是识别人类的线索呢? yeeyan

Considered to be “ good” intestinal bacteria, microbiota protect against harmful bacteria and help the body absorb nutrients.
考虑与人有益的肠道细菌,它们组成的微生物群会抵御有害细菌,并且帮助婴儿吸收营养。 yeeyan

Each of these components may contribute to carcinogenesis; however, the role of the microbiota is the least well understood.
每一部分都可能对肿瘤形成有影响,而微生物群的作用是所知最少的。 mebo

Except no one is born with microbiota. It develops during the first year of life.
没有人生下来就有微生物群,它是在婴儿生下来后第一年内形成的。 yeeyan

Except no one is born with microbiota. It develops during the first year of life. Hence the age of the research subjects.
没有人生下来就有微生物群,它是在婴儿生下来后第一年内形成的。这段时期是研究者的研究课题。 yeeyan

Identification of aquatic microbiota analysis of aquatic microbiota abundance and biomass cell cycle analysis ecology and physiology research of aquatic microbiota were covered.
包括微型生物的识别、记数和生物量研究,微型生物的细胞周期分析以及生态与生理学研究。 cnki

In recent years, we have begun to obtain a comprehensive picture of the composition of the human-associated microbiota in various niches, including the gut, skin and oral cavity.
近年来,我们开始看到生活于人体不同部位包括肠道,皮肤,口腔的微生物群的全貌。 yeeyan

It has been shown that the symbiotic gut microbiota in wood- feeding lower termites plays an important role in the digestion of different plant components.
已有的研究表明,低等木食性白蚁对木质纤维素等植物源食物的消化主要与其肠道共生微生物有关。 cnki

It's really showing that you can alter emotional states by regulating the microbiota.
实验确实表明你可以通过微生物调节方式改变情感状态。 yeeyan

OJ and its complications are highly associated with intestinal microbiota.
阻黄及其引起的并发症与肠道菌群密切相关。 cnki

Our understanding of antibiotic- associated disturbance of the microbiota has been limited by the poor sensitivity, inadequate resolution, and significant cost of current research methods.
由于敏感度不足、分辨率不够及当前研究方法花费巨大,我们对于抗生素导致的微生物群的干扰认识不足。 dxy

Researchers will analyze the composition of microbiota from fecal samples at three months and again, at one year of age.
研究人员会分析婴儿在三个月大和一周岁时,排泄物内微生物群情况。 yeeyan

Second, using16S rRNA-based phylogeny, it is possible to study the human microbiota at a detailed level.
第二,基于16S rRNA序列的分类法,我们才可能更加细致地研究人类微生物群。 yeeyan

The researchers are intrigued by microbiota.
微生物群吸引了这些研究者。 yeeyan

The researchers are intrigued by microbiota. Considered to be“ good” intestinal bacteria, microbiota protect against harmful bacteria and help the body absorb nutrients.
微生物群吸引了这些研究者。考虑与人有益的肠道细菌,它们组成的微生物群会抵御有害细菌,并且帮助婴儿吸收营养。 yeeyan

The results showed that microbiota in gastric mucus varied widely over different gastric diseases.
结果表明,不同的消化道疾病,胃粘膜微生物群均发生不同的改变。 cnki

The results showed that microbiota in gastric mucus varied widely with different gastric diseases.
结果表明,不同的消化道疾病,胃粘膜微生物群均发生不同改变。 cnki

These findings reveal alterations in the colorectal cancer microbiota; however, the precise role of Fusobacteria in colorectal carcinoma pathogenesis requires further investigation.
这些发现显示结直肠癌的微生物群发生了变化,对于结直肠癌病理学中梭杆菌的确切作用还需进一步的研究。 mebo

These observations support the hypothesis of functional redundancy in the human gut microbiota.
这些观察支持了认为人类肠道菌群的功能冗余的假设。 dxy

Understanding the composition of the oral microbiota will also help scientists devise new prevention measures and treatments for oral diseases.
了解了口腔中的生物群组合同样也有助于科学家们找到防治口腔疾病的新方法。 dxy




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