

单词 microbiologists
释义 microbiologists ˌmaikrəubaiˈɔlədʒiz COCA⁶¹⁶⁸⁹BNC⁶⁷⁵⁶³
n.微生物学microbiology的名词复数原型microbiologist的复数 A public health laboratory diagnostic service was established at the National Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology and training courses were conducted for clinicians and microbiologists.
国家卫生和流行病学研究所建立了公共卫生实验室诊断服务,对临床医师和微生物学家进行培训。 who

Following the discovery of the manuscript, a spate of mysterious deaths of microbiologists followed.
那份手稿找到以后,接着就是好几名微生物学家的离奇毙命。 chinabaike

Then microbiologists who study hard rigorous approach also gives us new inspiration and thinking.
同时,微生物学者身上严谨勤奋的研究态度也给我们以新的启迪和思考。 lunwen-ee

BioGroup membership is open to environmental engineers, hydrogeologists, soil scientists, microbiologists, environmental chemists, and all who wish to contribute.
其会员对环境工程师,水文地质学者,土壤学家,微生物学家,环境化学家,及所有愿参与者开放。 http://biositemap.com

But a team of microbiologists took video footage of the bacteria involved in cystic fibrosis infections and found two types of motion.
但是一个微生物学家团队制作了参与囊性纤维化感染的细菌的视频片段,并且发现了两种类型的运动。 dxy

In a cage match between basketball star Amar'e Stoudemire and a duo of microbiologists, who will emerge victorious?
在篮球明星阿玛雷斯塔德迈尔和一组微生物学家的搏斗中,谁取得胜利? yeeyan

Scientists at Hong Kong University, led by microbiologists Malik Peiris and K.
香港大学的一群科学家在微生物学家 Malik Peiris和 K。 www.gd31.cn

The study, conducted by Nottingham and Loughborough University, in conjunction with fruit growers Berryworld, saw microbiologists work alongside a fruit supplier to try out the prototype plasma beam.
这个研究,是由诺丁汉大学和拉夫堡大学引导的,联合了水果种植者 Berryworld,微生物学家和水果供应者一起完成了等离子束的实验。 yeeyan

Unraveling the anthrax- Mac-1 gateway is a milestone in the ongoing efforts to protect humans from bioterrorism and biological warfare, the UAB microbiologists said.
揭开炭疽— Mac-1通路对于力图挽救人类于生物恐怖主义和生物战祸害的当前来说是一个里程碑式的发现。 dxy

Microbiologists have shown that mice with the right mixture of bacteria survive a potentially fatal infection that causes diarrhea.
微生物学家已经给我们展示了携带有正常混合菌的小鼠能存活在一种潜在的,能引发腹泻致死的感染中。 yeeyan




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