

单词 Microbicides
释义 MicrobicidesCOCA¹⁸⁰¹²³
The dashing of that hope is a real blow, but there are other approaches to vaginal microbicides.
这个希望的破灭如同一场风暴,但是有其他方法完成杀微生物剂。 ecocn

“ Microbicides” is the equivalent of the female“ condom” for women can use independently and effectively kill the AIDS virus.
而“杀微生物剂”则相当于女性的“安全套”,可以供女性自主使用,有效杀死艾滋病病毒。 zyynb

Ideally, microbicides would be safe, effective, inexpensive and stable.
理想的杀微生物剂应安全、高效、廉价和稳定。 cnki

It's not clear whether the microbicides are absorbed in the bloodstream, where drug resistance would occur, Heise says.
现在还不清楚药剂是否会在血液中循环,药物是否会产生抗性, Heise说。 yeeyan

Support continued development of prevention methods including microbicides.
支持包括杀菌剂等预防措施的发展。 www.chain.net.cn

These include microbicides and using antiretroviral drugs as a prevention method, known as pre- exposure prophylaxis.
这些包括作为预防方法使用杀菌剂和抗逆转录病毒药物,这些被称作接种预防。 tingroom

This is the first good news about microbicides in decades of work.
这是多年研究杀微生物剂以来第一条好消息。 yeeyan

Microbicides are a gel, cream or suppository that releases a drug.
杀菌药可制成能够释放药物的凝胶、乳膏或者栓剂。 hjenglish




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