

单词 microbeads
释义 microbeads 英'maɪkrəʊbedz美'maɪkrəʊbedz COCA²⁴⁰⁷⁰⁶BNC¹⁷³⁹⁹⁵⁺²
微胶珠¹⁰⁰原型microbead的三单 It provides an effective way for the separation and comprehensive utilization of hollow microbeads.
为粉煤灰空心微珠的分选与综合利用提供了有效的途径。 cnki

Mesocarbon microbeads MCMB were prepared from coal tar pitch containing original QI by thermal condensation.
以含有原生 QI的煤沥青为原料,采用热缩聚方法制备出中间相炭微球。 ilib

The effect of heat- treatment condition on the ratio of meso- carbon microbeads and the shape were investigated, thereby the most suitable method for preparing meso- carbon microbeads can be obtained.
考察了不同聚合条件对中间相炭微球收率及形态的影响,从而找出制备中间相炭微球的最佳工艺路线。 cnki

The history and latest progress in preparation and application of mesocarbon microbeadsMCMB is reviewed. Some key problems that need to be solved are discussed.
综述了中间相炭微球制备和应用的国内外研究现状,分析了现有工艺中存在的问题,提出了需要解决的几个关键问题。 chemyq

The phagocytosis of fluorescence microbeads by washed pulmonary macrophage of rabbit was determined by the flow cytometry at different postmortem interval.
应用流式细胞仪对不同死亡时间家兔肺冲洗的巨噬细胞吞噬荧光微球的功能进行定量测定。 cnki

Finally, single fluores-cent microbeads can be easily visualized with standard optical equipments, so that no high performance equipment is required.
最后,单个荧光点可以很容易的用光学装置看到,因此不需要高配制的装置。 soudoc.com

In this paper, meso-carbon microbeads were prepared from coal tar pitch by thermal condensation in atmospheric pressure.
以中温煤沥青为原料采用常压热缩聚工艺制备中间相炭微球。 cnki

In this paper, the coal tar pitch-based mesophase pitch microbeadsMMB were activated by chemical activation with KOH in different activation condition.
以煤焦油系中间相沥青微球为原料, KOH为活化剂,在不同活化条件下制备活性炭微球。 dictall

It provides an effective way for the wet separation of microbeads from coal ash.
为粉煤灰微珠的湿法分选提供人了有效的途径。 chemyq

It is also evident that for metallic and non-metallic microbeads the momentum coupling efficiency has different variation tendencies versus the focused beam spot diameter.
实验中还发现,金属小球和非金属小球的动量耦合系数随脉冲焦斑直径的变化趋势完全不同。 cnki

Mesocarbon microbeads MCMB, discovered in the research of mesophase, is one of the new carbon materials and its research has laid the foundation of the mesophase theory.
中间相炭微球是一种新型炭材料,它是在研究中间相的过程中发展起来的,其理论基础是中间相理论。 dictall

MR was applied to label the microbeads, tried to diagnosis the early immunologic rejection after xeno- islet transplantation.
运用 MR对磁珠示踪的方法,试图在分子影像学水平诊断胰岛细胞移植后免疫排斥反应。 fabiao

Objective: To isolate and purify murine hematopoietic stem cell using the immunomagnetic microbeads.
目的:为了建立免疫磁珠法体外分离提纯骨髓造血干细胞的方法。 dictall

The effect of condensation temperature and soaking time on the yields of mesophase pitch and derived therefrom microbeads, and the texture of mesophase pitch were investigated.
考察了热缩聚温度和停留时间对中间相沥青收率、微球收率及形态的影响。 chemyq

The anodic performances of boron doped and undoped mesocarbon microbeads MCMBs were comparatively studied and the structures were characterized by XPS, SEM, XRD and electrochemical measurements.
本文采用 XPS, SEM, XRD和电化学充放电测试研究了硼掺杂的中间相碳素微球 MCMB的结构和性能。 dictall

The major progresses of meso carbon microbeads MCMB on Li ion intercalation model are reviewed and its developing trend is presented on the basis of introducing MCMB structure.
在介绍中间相沥青炭微球 MCMB结构的基础上,综述近年来 MCMB在嵌锂模型方面的一些主要进展,并简要指出其发展方向。 cnki

The sensitivity of HRP enzyme conjugated antibody in ELISA matrix tests on optical self- encoding microbeads proves62.5 times higher than on96- wells ELISA plate.
而在辣根氧化物酶标显色时,相同条件下光谱自编码微球的检测灵敏度62.5倍于96孔酶标比色板。 cnki

Therefore, it is possible to apply the PMB immobilized polystyrene microbeads as a kind of hemoperfusion material to therapy endotoxemia as an assistant approach in clinical treatment.
因此,固定PMB的聚苯乙烯吸附微球有希望用于血液灌流,作为内毒素血症治疗的辅助手段。 cnki




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