

单词 Michigan
释义 Mich·i·gan 英ˈmɪʃɪgən美ˈmɪʃɪgənAHDmĭshʹĭ-gən COCA²⁷⁰¹BNC¹⁷⁴³³

a midwestern state in north central United States in the Great Lakes regionthe 3rd largest of the Great Lakes; the largest freshwater lake entirely within the United States bordersa gambling card game in which chips are placed on the ace and king and queen and jack of separate suits taken from a separate deck; a player plays the lowest card of a suit in his hand and successively higher cards are played until the sequence stops; the player who plays a card matching one in the layout wins all the chips on that cardmichigan state university密歇根州立大学…university of michigan密歇根大学
近义词 boodle贿赂金Chicago芝加哥mi大音阶的第三音…Newmarket紧身长外套Wolverine State俚狼獾州…stops动词stop的第三人称单…

用作名词In Michigan, his message was more upbeat.在密西根州,他传递出的更为激昂的信息。
Holland is a city of southwest Michigan southwest of Grand Rapids.荷兰是美国密西根州西南部一城市,位于大瀑布西南部。 By the same token, red sweeps in states that are likely to lose seats, such as Ohio and Michigan, would allow the Republicans to ensure that the burden falls squarely on Democratic incumbents.
出于同样的原因,“红州”像俄亥俄州和密歇根州,共和党很可能会失去席位,这样一来共和党人就可以确保负担都落到民主党现任者肩上。 ecocn

The disclosure process at Michigan involves a series of meetings that take anywhere from a few weeks to more than a year to complete.
在密歇根模式中,这个过程需要涉及到一系列会谈,或许需要好几个星期甚至一年以上的时间才能完成。 yeeyan

The Smiths now have to decide whether to apply for a waiver from the decision on grounds of“ extreme hardship, ” or abandon the business and uproot Shayna from her life in Michigan.
史密斯夫妇现在不得不在“极端艰难”做出决定的处境下,决定是否申请赦免。或者放弃生意,谢娜从她生活的密歇根迁离。 yeeyan

The way we explain things to ourselves has a big impact on our happiness, says author David Myers, professor at Michigan's Hope College.
密歇根的霍普学院的教授作家大卫说,我们向自己说明事物的方式对我们的幸福有很大的影响。 yeeyan

There is, apparently I once learned on QI, only one road in the whole of the USA where pedestrians are not allowed in Michigan, way off our route.
我知道,在美国只有一条道路是不允许行人行走的,这条路在密歇根,不在我们的路线上。 yeeyan

When Ford orders its next set of car parts, will they be made in Michigan or Mumbai?
福特计划下阶段的汽车零件作采购时,福特会选谁呢?密西根还是孟买呢? yeeyan

“ We are materially so much better off than we were50 years ago, but we're not one iota happier, ” says Chris Peterson, a psychology professor at the University of Michigan.
“我们在物质上比50年前要好上许多倍,但是我们丝毫没有感到更快乐,”密歇根大学的心理学教授克里斯·彼得斯这样评价。 ebigear

A new“ dashboard” will measure Michigan’s progress across a range of indicators.
一种新的“仪表板”将通过一系列指标测量密歇根州的进展。 ecocn

A smattering of elections take place before then in Michigan, Nevada, South Carolina and Florida and she needs to win at least a couple of these to halt Mr Obama’s momentum.
在那以前会有一些小量的选举在密歇根州、内华达州、南卡罗来纳州和佛罗里达州举行,她必须至少赢得两场选举以阻止奥巴马的势头。 yeeyan

But the simple fact is that Michigan is broke.
但简单的事实是,美国密歇根州破产了。 ecocn

But I may not want to go to Michigan.
可我不一定想去密歇根读书呀。 ebigear

But if it could happen in Michigan, I suppose it could also happen in New York.
但如果这件事能发生在密西根,我猜它也可能发生在纽约。 v.163.com

He points out that some past offenders in Michigan have been released only to cause havoc and end up in jail again.
他指出,过去密歇根释放的一些犯人只是与造成严重破坏的人有关,而且最后又都重新回到监狱里。 yeeyan

He quotes some students from the University of Michigan.
他引述了几位密歇根大学学生的话。 yeeyan

I have found my bank at the University of Michigan, and my work as a college professor is engaging and meaningful, once I sought out the advice of wise colleagues and figured out how to do it.
我在密歇根大学找到了我的银行,在我向那些睿智的同事们咨询建议,了解了该如何做一名大学教授之后,我的工作让我全心投入也很有意义。 yeeyan

I started trading in 1978. At the time, I was managing a commercial casualty insurance agency in the suburbs of Detroit, Michigan.
我1978年开始交易,当时我在密歇根州底特律市城郊管理一个商业的伤残保险分公司。 yeeyan

Mr Kotick’s big break came in1983, when he was a student at the University of Michigan.
科迪克先生取得重大突破是在1983年,当时他还只是一个密歇根大学的学生。 ecocn

My father’s father worked in the Chevy plant in Flint, Michigan. He was an assembly line worker.
我的祖父在密歇根州弗林特的雪佛兰汽车工厂工作,他是装配线上的一名工人。 putclub.com

One simple way to do this is to invest in what you know and use, said Robert Laura, a partner with the Michigan based Synergos Financial Group.
一个简单的途径就是投资那些你知道并采用过的,密歇根州的合作伙伴——协同金融集团的罗伯特.劳拉说。 yeeyan

Several weeks after our son began his freshman year at Alma College in Michigan, my husband and I decided to visit him.
我们的儿子是密歇根州阿尔马大学的新生,开学几个星期之后,我和丈夫决定去看看他。 ebigear

She grew up in a wealthy suburb of Detroit in Michigan and did well at school.
她在密歇根底特律一个富裕的郊区长大,在学校表现也很好。 yeeyan

Some of the most culturally conservative states in the country, such as Kansas and Michigan, have female governors.
一些文化上最为保守的州,例如堪萨斯和密歇根,都拥有女性地方长官。 ecocn

This image of a toy train was one of the first they recorded at the University of Michigan's Willow Run Laboratory.
这张玩具火车图是这两位科学家在密歇根大学的威洛·鲁恩实验室第一次记录的全息图。 yeeyan

THIS industrial city on the western edge of Lake Michigan has miles of shoreline, but no one would confuse it with East Hampton.
在这座密西根湖西岸的工业城市有着数英里的湖滨线,但不会有人把它和东汉普顿混淆在一起。 yeeyan

To test the theory, a chassis was dragged by rope and windlass along the floor of the Highland Park, Michigan, plant in the summer of1913.
为了验证这一理论,1913年的夏天,一个车底盘被绳子拖着, 用绞盘沿着密歇根州高地公园的地上吊起. ecocn




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