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词汇 Michael Redd
释义 Michael Redd
Michael Redd- I likeMichael Redd, I think he is vastly underrated.8迈克尔?雷德我喜欢雷德,我觉得他是不能低估的。
Instead of starting and getting lots of touches, Mike Miller andMichael Reddneed to come in and be ready to shoot after sitting on the bench.米勒和里德没有先发,上场时间不多,经常在板凳上准备上场投篮。
Michael Redd, Milwaukee: Redd is one of the best shooters in the league, with one of the quickest releases.迈克尔里德,密尔沃基雄鹿:里德是联盟中最好的投手之一,也是出手最快的球员之一。
Michael Reddscored 17 points for the Bucks, who outscored Utah 18-9 in the fourth quarter.里得为球队拿到了17分,他带领雄鹿在第四节以18-9得分超过犹他爵士队。
Bucks guardMichael Reddwas delighted to see Yi make such a huge contribution at the end of the game.雄鹿后卫里德很高兴看到易建联在比赛结束阶段对球队做出的巨大贡献。
He's not the franchise player, nor is he the savior.They have those pieces inMichael Reddand Andrew Bogut.你就可以打败那些只代表自己的彻头彻尾的‘职业’运动员了?”




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