

单词 miata
释义 miata miˈɑːtə COCA⁵⁵¹⁸⁸
Elements of this new design might soon appear on passenger sedans like the Mazda6, as well as replacements for sporty models like the MX-5 Miata and RX-8.
新设计的元素可能会很快出现在像马自达6之类的车上,也可能会替代像 MX-5和 RX-8的运动车型。 yeeyan

Non- Italian scooters typically have all the street cred of a baby- blue Mazda Miata.
这款非意大利产小轮摩托车拥有浅蓝色 Mazda Miata所具备的“街头信誉”。 yeeyan

Still, he managed to steer her into the dealership where there was a Mazda Miata tied with a big red bow.
尽管如此,他还是设法把她带进了车行,那里有一辆马自达 Miata系着一个大大的红色蝴蝶结。 yeeyan

You can go with a nice jacked up four wheel drive truck or you can opt to go with a pretty red Mazda Miata.
你可以选择一个高大的四轮驱动卡车,或是选择一辆漂亮的红色马自达 Miata。 yeeyan




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