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词汇 mhp
释义 mhp 英'em'etʃp'iː美'em'etʃp'iː Economist³⁴³¹⁸⁺³
=master of health programme 卫生规划硕士,=master of hospital pharmacy 医院药剂学硕士,=maternal health program 孕妇保健方案,=mercurihydrox-ypropane(1-mercuri-2-hydroxypropane) 汞羟基丙烷1-汞-2羟基丙烷
By winning the referendum on constitutional changes in mid- September by such a wide margin, the AK government has shown the weakness of the nationalist opposition, especially the MHP.
9月中旬,正义发展党政府以巨大优势赢得关于修宪的全民公决,这一结果暴露出反对派民族分子的弱点,尤其暴露出民族行动党的弱点。 ecocn

It would be hard, though perhaps not impossible, for any party to work with the MHP, which espouses disturbingly nationalist views.
虽然也不是不可能,但任何党派要与民族行动党结盟都非常困难。该党奉行的是令人不安的民族主义理念。 ecocn

The MHP’s poor showing should free Mr Erdogan to respond to Kurdish demands.
民族行动党差劲的表现会将 Erdogan先生从回应对库尔德人要求的窘况中解救出来。 ecocn

A string of seamy sex videos involving MHP parliamentarians has also mysteriously appeared on the internet.
一系列涉及民主行动党籍国会议员的污秽性爱视频神秘的出现在网络上。 ecocn

Add the MHP’s53 seats to AK’s328 and a new constitution, which requires some cross- party support, would be in the bag.
把民族主义行动党 MHP的53个席位加到正义与发展 AK党的328个席位,那么要求一点跨党派支持的新宪法将变成囊中取物一般容易。 ecocn

AK, they say, aims to push the MHP under the threshold of10% of the vote needed to win seats in parliament.
他们说,正义与发展党企图逼迫民族主义者行动党 MHP低于需要的10%选票的门槛来赢得议会席位。 ecocn

And he is maintaining the determinedly nationalist tone he adopted on the campaign trail, a tactic designed to steal votes from the Nationalist Action Party MHP.
而且他保持着竞选活动中他所采用的坚定地民族主义的语调,一项谋划盗取民族主义行动党 MHP选票的策略。 ecocn

Basic concepts of Multimedia Home Platform, MHP are introduced and the value and impaction of MHP to the digital TV and interactive TV broadcasting are discussed.
介绍了多媒体家庭平台 MHP的基本概念,讨论了 MHP对于数字电视和交互电视行业的意义和响。 cnki

Both opposition parties, especially the far-right MHP, have fiercely resisted openings towards the Kurds, which is one reason why they win so few votes in the south-east.
两个反对党,尤其是极右翼的民族行动党 MHP,强烈反对向库尔德人示好,所以该党在东南地区得到的选票数量极少。 ecocn

Cevat Ones, a former deputy chief of Turkey’s national intelligence outfit, insists the affair is an MHP inside job, prompted by dissatisfaction with Mr Bahceli.
土耳其国家情报组原副主任希维特·旺斯 Cevat Ones坚持说这次事件是一次民族主义者行动党 MHP对巴赫切利 Bahceli先生的不满引起的内贼作案。 ecocn

Elsewhere, the far-right Nationalist Action Party MHP and the overtly Islamist Felicity Party did well.
在其他地区,极右翼民族行动党 MHP以及公开的伊斯兰党派—幸福党表现甚佳。 ecocn

In fact, the rare talk of women in the campaign is mostly about footage posted on the internet showing candidates from the Nationalist Action Party MHP secretly filmed in compromising situations.
实际上,竞选运动中出类拔萃的妇女谈话主要是关于互联网上最新提供的偷偷拍摄到的国民行动党候选人受牵连的情况的连续镜头。 ecocn

In Europe, the Multimedia Home Platform MHP specification based on DVB has begun to be put into business test.
在欧洲,基于 DVB制式的多媒体家用平台 MHP规范已经进入商业测试阶段。 cnki

Many MHP officials say the ruling Justice and Development AK party is behind the videos.
许多民族主义者行动党 MHP官员说执政的正义与发展党 AK就是那些录像的幕后操纵者。 ecocn

Over the past weeks a series of compromising videos posted online has forced the resignation of ten senior members of the far-right Nationalist Action Party MHP.
过去几个星期一系列网上发布的损害名誉的录像已迫使极右翼的民族主义者行动党 MHP的10位高级成员辞职。 ecocn

Program producing, arranging, and scheduling based on MHP norm are important parts of the current TV program producing and scheduling platform.
基于 MHP规范的节目制作、编排和调度式播控是当前电视节目制播平台的重要组成部分。 cnki

Some pollsters suggest that the MHP’s plight has chalked up sympathy votes.
一些民意调查经办人建议民族主义者行动党 MHP的困境已经取得了同情票。 ecocn

That package, which among other things makes it possible to prosecute Turkey’s meddlesome generals in civilian courts, was approved by 58% of Turks, many of them pious MHP voters.
包括其它事情的那一揽子计划使得在民事法庭对土耳其好干涉的将军们提起公诉成了可能。 58%的土耳其人赞成这些计划,其中许多人为虔诚的民族主义者行动党 MHP的选民。 ecocn

The article puts emphasis upon the DVB/ MHP specification and points out some problem. At last , some questions on the Chinese Multimedia Home Platform specification are discussed.
着重介绍欧洲的DVB/ MHP标准并讨论该规范存在的问题,阐述在制定中国的多媒体家用平台标准时需要注意的问题。 cnki

The other big question is whether the right-wing Nationalist Action Party MHP, led by Devlet Bahceli, will get over the 10% threshold, as it did in 2007 to deny AK a two-thirds majority.
第二个大问题是以迪维特•巴切里为首的右翼民主行动党能否获得10% 以上的得票率,2007年该党支持率曾超越10%,一举打破了正义发展党赢得三分之二席位的局面。 ecocn

The Nationalist Action party MHP, which campaigned against AK for being too soft on the rebellious Kurds, took an even bigger drubbing than the CHP.
经常反对正义党当在对抗库尔德反叛分子时过于阴柔的表现的民族行动党 MHP,在这场选举中遭受了比共和人民党更大的失败。 ecocn

This was a clear bid to keep the Nationalist Action Party MHP below the10% threshold needed to win seats.
这是明显的企图保持民主主义行动党 MHP低于需要赢得议席的10%选票门槛。 ecocn




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