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词汇 mfis
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That may be simple in places like Bangladesh, where MFIs also provide mobile services.
在孟加拉国这样的地方开展手机业务可能要容易些,因为小额信贷公司本身也提供移动业务。 iciba

The growth of microfinance has reduced local politicians’ ability to use rural credit as a tool of patronage. That puts MFIs in the firing line.
小额贷款的发展削弱了当地政客利用信贷作为赞助方式的能力,这使得小额贷款的危机一触即发。 ecocn

The MFIs offer an alternative to the old-fashioned usurer.
小额信贷机构为过时的高利贷者提供了一种选择。 ecocn

Big Indian MFIs are now sharing information, pledging not to lend to a person who has already borrowed from three others and to keep total lending to a limit.
大型印度小额信贷机构现在也发出信息,宣布不再向已经在其他三家公司拥有贷款的人提供信贷,同时要限制贷款总额。 ecocn

But the CMF survey finds that a mere3% of those who borrow from MFIs have more than one such loan; in contrast, 70% of people have at least two informal loans.
但是,小额金融中心的调查发现从小额信贷机构借款的人群中,仅有3%的人存在一笔以上的类似借款。相反,他们中的70%都有至少两笔来自非正式渠道的借款。 ecocn

But there are challenges for MFIs seeking to enter mobile banking.
但是小额信贷公司想要进驻手机银行业务还有很多挑战。 iciba

Despite charging what may seem high interest rates, MFIs typically have wafer-thin margins because of the high costs of making and collecting payments on millions of tiny loans.
尽管小额信贷机构收取看似高昂的利率,由于数百万起小额贷款的操作以及收取还款的高成本,它们的利润通常非常微薄。 ecocn

Even MFIs that borrow locally may find their banks' funding is constrained by global conditions.
全球形势甚至令在本地融资的微型金融机构在贷款时也受到了限制。 topsage

In rural AP, 82% of households have such informal loans, whereas only11% have loans from MFIs.
在安德拉邦,82%的家庭都有非正规贷款,只有11%的贷款来自小额信贷。 ecocn

More MFIs are becoming interested in the potential of savings, thanks partly to the global financial crisis.
越来越多的小额信贷公司对储蓄的潜力感兴趣,这要部分归功于全球金融危机。 iciba

Of166 MFIs surveyed in 2009 by the Microfinance Information Exchange, a think-tank, all offered credit but only27% offered savings products.
咨询巨头小额信贷信息交流中心2009年调查了166家小额贷款公司,所有的公司都提供贷款但是提供储蓄产品的公司只占到27%。 iciba

Several MFIs that are getting Gates Foundation money are experimenting with savings accounts that feature commitments to make regular deposits, something many people find attractive.
几家得到盖茨基金会融资的小额信贷公司正在试运行以定期存款为特点的储蓄账户,这对大多数人来说都是很有吸引力的。 ecocn

So far we work with two microfinance institutions MFIs.
迄今为止我们和两家小额信贷机构合作。 yeeyan

The country’s main commercial banks also said on November1st that they would continue to lend to MFIs.
这个国家主要的商业银行也于11月1日称他们仍将向小额信贷机构贷款。 ecocn

Two months and a messy collision with the realities of local politics later, Indian MFIs are reduced to talking about something more basic: survival.
两个月后,面对现实和当地政策的严峻冲突, MFI不得不考虑并谈及一些基本的东西——生存。 ecocn

Yet MFIs are prohibited from taking deposits, or even from acting as local collection agents for commercial banks.
不过,小额信贷机构被禁止从存款中获取利润,甚至被禁止为商业银行充当地区募款代理商。 ecocn

The bank is selling its stakes in successful MFIs.
这家银行正成功的卖出了它的危险。 ecocn

Chasing growth, MFIs seem to have piled into the same villages, lending to the same people.
为了追求增长率,小额信贷机构有可能扎堆贷款给同村子里同一批人。 ecocn

For the MFIs, the government’s groups offer too little credit, too late.
对小额信贷机构而言,政府组织机构下的小组提供的贷款数额太少,而且时机也过晚。 ecocn

Ideologically, many in India worry that large MFIs have become for-profit firms.
从意识形态层面上来讲,印度许多人都担心大型 MFI沦为盈利性机构。 ecocn

In January it announced grants worth $38m to18 MFIs in South Asia, Latin America and Africa to encourage them to expand their savings offerings.
该基金会在1月宣布为南亚,拉丁美洲和非洲的18家小额贷款公司捐款3800万美元,旨在鼓励这些公司拓展其储蓄业务。 iciba

It houses the headquarters of some of India’s fastest-growing for- profit MFIs.
印度发展速度最快的一些营利性小额信贷机构的总部就设在这里。 ecocn

It seems that much of that money has recently found its way into the bank accounts that European MFIs keep in US banks.
这些资金好像大多数都进入了这些欧洲小额信贷机构在美国的银行账户中。 yeeyan

Of late, though, the state has seen a vicious political backlash against the microfinance industry that has made it virtually impossible for MFIs to operate.
但是,最近该州的小额信贷机构受到强烈的政治抵制,导致它们事实上已经很难运营。 ecocn

The government has reacted by introducing an “ ordinance” forcing MFIs to change their practices— cutting interest rates, changing from weekly to monthly repayments, etc.
同时政府也作出了应激反应,颁布法令迫使小额信贷机构作出让步,诸如削减他们的贷款利息,从之前的每周还款更改为按月还款等等。 ecocn

MFIs might be able to do this more cheaply than banks, because they have existing relationships with the kinds of people who would use such basic savings accounts.
小额信贷机构可能比银行更能以较低的费用开展此项业务,因为它们已经和使用这种基础储蓄账户的人群之间存在关联。 ecocn




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