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词汇 Mexicans
释义 Mexicans ˈmeksɪkənz Economist⁵⁶²³
n.墨西哥人Mexican的名词复数原型mexican的复数 Mr Calderón is likely to berate Mr Harper over Canada’s sudden decision last month to require Mexicans to obtain visas before travelling to the country.
卡尔德龙有可能会对哈珀大加指责。加拿大上月突然做出决定,要求墨西哥人在前往该国旅行时要先获得签证。 ecocn

On a trip to one of Gruen's creations, the now- desolate Carousel Mall in San Bernardino, your correspondent encountered a group of middle-aged Mexicans studying for the American citizenship test.
当游览格伦作品之一,圣贝纳迪诺市如今人烟荒芜的卡罗塞勒商城时,通讯记者遇到一群中年墨西哥人正在学习美国公民入籍测试。 ecocn

The stock saddle's design traced all the way back to the Moors of North Africa, having come to the American cowboy by way of the Spanish and Mexicans.
木头马鞍的设计完全依照南部非洲的摩尔人的设计。 木头马鞍在牛仔们中间出现是经由西班牙人和墨西哥人传来的。 yeeyan

The United States claimed that the border between Texas and Mexico should be the Rio Grande River, while the Mexicans claimed the border was farther north at the Nueces River.
美国声称德克萨斯与墨西哥应该以格兰德河为界,而墨西哥人认为边界线应该设在往北一些的纽埃西斯河。 hjenglish

The Mexicans said they were grateful for our work.
墨西哥人说他们感谢我们的工作。 yeeyan

Arizona has become the main crossing point for Mexicans, some of whom have brought Mexico’s drug violence with them.
该州已成为墨西哥人出入美国的主要通道,而他们中某些人也把暴力与毒品带到该州。 ecocn

As long as the gun lobby continues to fight any new restriction on weapons sales in the United States, Mexicans will keep killing each other with American arms.
只要枪支游说团体继续同美国武器销售的任何新的限制抗争下去,墨西哥人还会继续使用美国生产的武器来自相残杀。 ecocn

But the Mexicans, as well as America's Democrats, have grumbles.
但是和美国民主党人一样,墨西哥人也牢骚不断。 ecocn

But many Mexicans complain that health measures have been inadequate.
但是,仍然有很多墨西哥人抱怨卫生措施不够完善。 iciba

Globalisation is not a zero- sum game: Mexicans, Koreans and Poles are not growing at the expense of Americans, Japanese and Germans.
全球化不是一个零和博弈:墨西哥人,朝鲜人和波兰人不是以牺牲美国人,日本人和德国人的利益来发展。 ecocn

If not, Mexicans only need to look north to see what awaits them.
否则墨西哥人只要往北看看,看看什么在等着他们。 ecocn

If such adaptations are not always obvious it is because Mexicans, unlike Africans, Italians or Germans, never stopped coming to America in large numbers.
如果说诸如此类的适应性改变始终都不明显,那是因为不像非洲、意大利或德国人,墨西哥人总是不断地大量涌入美国。 ecocn

In addition to the economic problems it would cause both for us and for the Mexicans, we would be sending a terrible signal of selfishness and shortsightedness throughout Latin America.
除了这将导致我国人民和墨西哥人的经济问题外,我们会给整个拉美传递一种自私和目光短浅的可怕表象。 yeeyan

In a clumsy way, Wick had identified the problem with Mexicans: how would they fit into a system that drew a sharp distinction between blacks and whites?
维克愚蠢的认为,在这个问题上,墨西哥人脱不了干系:他们怎能融入到黑白人种对比鲜明的体制呢? ecocn

Indeed, most Mexicans persist in seeing the United States as a land of opportunity.
确实如此,多数墨西哥人坚持认为美国是一片机遇之地。 ecocn

Moreover, there are no pesky Mexicans to be defeated, nor inconvenient native inhabitants to be corralled into reservations before the exploitation can begin.
况且,在开发之前还不需要对付那些麻烦的墨西哥人以及将那些给开发带来不便的本土居民赶入保留区。 ecocn

Nearly a third of foreign- born immigrants in the United States are Mexicans, making them America’s largest immigrant group and one spread widely across the country.
美国三分之一的外国出生移民为墨西哥人,成为美国最大的移民民族和跨国分布最广的民族。 ecocn

Norwegians spend the most time at leisure, just over a quarter of their day, while at the low end, Mexicans spend just16 percent of their time having fun.

Nowadays when the United States passes on real-time intelligence on the mobsters, the Mexicans— frequently marines, but sometimes even the federal police—tend to nab their man.
现在,美国通过获取犯罪集团的即时情报,墨西哥人—常常是海军陆战队,有时甚至是联邦警察—能够抓获他们的目标。 ecocn

Other official data suggest Mexicans eat about twice as much meat as they did in 1990, and visit the cinema four times as often, while retail square-footage has more than tripled since1993.
其他官方数据表明,墨西哥人的吃肉量大约是1990年的两倍。去电影院的频度是那时的四倍,同时零售业商场的面积自1993年以来规模扩大了3倍多。 ecocn

Some suggest he saw the Mexicans as a threat to his empire.
有人说他认为墨西哥人对他的帝国是一个威胁。 ebigear

Staff at the hotel contacted by telephone would not let Reuters talk to any of the Mexicans.
该酒店接电话的工作人员拒绝让路透社与任何一个墨西哥人谈话。 yeeyan

The job losses have been worst in sectors such as construction and retailing that employ many undocumented Mexicans.
雇用许多无合法移民手续的墨西哥人的行业如建筑业和零售业,丧失的工作机会更多。 ecocn

While it is possible that kidnappers have obtained uniforms and can masquerade as police or soldiers, Campbell says Mexicans have good reason to be skeptical.
虽然也有可能是绑架者盗用警服或是军服然后化装成警察或是军人,但是,坎佩尔说,墨西哥人有理由对此表示怀疑。 ebigear

Mexicans generally eat chillies several times per day, while Americans only eat chillies a few times a week.
墨西哥人通常在一天之内吃好几次辣椒,而美国人在一周以内才会品尝几次。 yeeyan

Mexicans spend48% of their leisure time watching television or listening to the radio, compared with 44% for Americans and 28% for German people, the OECD report shows.
经合组织的报告显示,墨西哥人将48%的闲暇时间用来看电视或听收音机,美国人这个数字是44%,德国则是28%。 iciba




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