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metcalfe 基本例句 梅特卡夫姓氏 Bob Metcalfe of the Xerox Palo Alto Research Center writes a memo outlining how to connect the think tank's new personal computers to a shared printer. 施乐公司帕洛阿尔托研究中心的鲍勃·梅特卡夫写一份备忘录,描画智囊团的新个人计算机如何连接到一台共享打印机。 yeeyan This is best stated by Metcalfe's Law: The value of a network standard grows exponentially with the number of nodes connected to it. 最好的说明是梅特卡夫定律:网络标准的价值随连接的节点数增加呈指数增长。 ibm To paraphrase Metcalfe's findings, the usefulness of a network is the square of the number of users connected to it. 换个说法的话,梅特卡夫这个发现的意思是,网络的用处按连接到其中用户数目的平方增长。 yeeyan When Dr Metcalfe started promoting Ethernet, one big problem was to convince people to adopt a networking technology that almost nobody else was using yet. 梅特卡夫博士开始推广以太网遇到的一个大问题是,说服人们采用一种几乎还没有人使用过的网络技术。 ecocn And with Metcalfe’s law, as with so much else, the technology community is willing to cut him a bit of slack. 而且,技术领域对于梅特卡夫定律就像对待其它众多的定律一样,宁愿不予苛求。 ecocn As he built market momentum behind the technology, Dr Metcalfe recognised the business opportunity presented by the emerging market for Ethernet- compatible products. 在为以太网技术造势的同时,梅特卡夫注意到正在崛起的以太网兼容产品市场所带来的商机。 ecocn Besides, as Robert Metcalfe, the networking guru, said at a recent conference: “ You are not going to conserve your way out of the problem.” 除此之外,正如网络专家 Robert Metcalfe在最近的一次会议上所说:“你不能不做出变化来应对对能源问题”。 ecocn But it wasn't until a dozen years later that George Gilder, a technology pundit, called this Metcalfe's law. 直到十几年后,技术大家吉尔得将之称为“梅特卡夫定律”。 topsage Digital networks are built on hardware that gets cheaper all the time, allowing new applications to take full advantage of Metcalfe's law. 数字网络建立在越来越廉价的硬件之上,这使得新应用能充分利用梅特卡夫定律带来的优势。 yeeyan Dr Metcalfe delights in a paper published in2005 by two academics, Andrew Odlyzko and Benjamin Tilly, that presents a detailed refutation of his law. 梅特卡夫博士很高兴安德鲁•奥德雷兹科和本杰明•太雷两位学者在2005年出版的一篇文章中对“梅特卡夫定律”的驳斥。 ecocn Dr Metcalfe did not make money from the actual invention of Ethernet. 梅特卡夫博士并没有从以太网的实质发明中赚钱。 ecocn Dr Metcalfe predicted that the internet would collapse under the weight of traffic in 1996. 梅特卡夫博士预测,1996年互联网将由于堵塞而导致瘫痪。 ecocn Dr Metcalfe says he learned from Stewart Alsop, InfoWorld's editor, that it was more important to be interesting than to be right. 梅特卡夫博士说,《信息世界》主编斯图尔特•奥尔索普告诉他,文章的趣味性比正确性更为重要。 topsage Eric Metcalfe of Justice, a pressure group, calls it“ fair, though narrower than we were hoping for”. 埃里克梅特卡夫,一个压力集团,认为这次改变是“公正的但是比我们希望的范围更小的”变化。 ecocn His parents paid for his first year of studies, but thereafter the young Mr Metcalfe paid for his own tuition by working the night shift programming computers at Raytheon and other companies. 梅特卡夫的父母为他支付了第一年的学习费用,此后,年轻的梅特卡夫一直通过晚上在雷神及其它公司打工的方式自己支付学费。 ecocn His parents paid for his first year of studies, but thereafter the young Mr Metcalfe paid for his own tuition by working the night shift programming computers at Raytheon and other companies. 梅特卡夫的父母为他支付了第一年的学习费用,此后,年轻的梅特卡夫一直通过晚上在雷神及其它公司打工的方式自己支付学费。 ecocn If you applied Metcalfe’s law willy-nilly, and accepted every contact offered, you would inevitably divulge a good deal of personal information to quite a few people who could do you harm. 如果你不能下定决心采用“梅特卡福”定律,稀里糊涂的接受所有交流请求,不可避免地你会向别人提供大量的个人信息,而这些人很有可能对你做出不利之举。 yeeyan Perhaps even more important, notes his friend and former PARC cohort David Liddle, Dr Metcalfe also got Microsoft and Sun on board. 梅特卡夫博士的朋友、他在施乐帕克研究中心前同事大卫•雷多评论说,也许最为重要的是,梅特卡夫还使得手微软和太阳两公司也加入进来。 ecocn The key to Metcalfe’s Law is the knee in its curve, the point at which there are enough users so that each new node adds not a few but a few million new connections. 梅特卡夫定律的关键之处,在于其曲线中的拐点,即由于有足够多的用户而导致每增加一个新节点增加的不是几个而是几百万个新联系的转折点。 yeeyan This chapter introduces the Law of Disruption and its key drivers, Moore’s Law and Metcalfe’s Law. 本章介绍颠覆定律及其主要推动力,即摩尔定律和梅特卡夫定律。 yeeyan This is changing, despite the recession, says David Metcalfe, boss of Verdantix, a consultancy. 尽管处在衰退期,但这是一种改变。调研公司Verdantix老板戴维-梅特卡夫这样认为。 ecocn Three related principles----Moore’s Law, Metcalfe’s Law, and the Law of disruption---- explain the power and promise of digital life. 有三个相关的原理——摩尔定律、梅特卡夫定律和颠覆定律——可以解释数字化生活的前景和力量。 yeeyan To paraphrase Metcalfe’s findings, the usefulness of a network is the square of the number of users connected to it. 可以这样解释梅特卡夫的发现:网络的有用性,是其所联系的用户数量的平方数。 yeeyan Years later, as a marketing ploy, Dr Metcalfe thought it wise to pinpoint the birth of Ethernet. 几年后,作为一项营销策略,梅特卡夫博士认为应该将以太网的研发提上日程。 ecocn Metcalfe and the other archaeologists had found little evidence of any prehistoric inhabitants other than the Fremont. 梅特卡夫和其他考古学家发现几乎没有证据表明有任何除弗里蒙特人以外的其他史前居民存在过。 huaxia-ng Metcalfe had been an MIT undergraduate whiz kid and Harvard grad student working on computers and how to network them. 梅特卡夫曾经是 MIT优等本科生和哈佛研究生,从事计算机以及如何将计算机联网的工作。 yeeyan Metcalfe's Law, formulated by networking pioneer Robert Metcalfe, explains a phenomenon anyone with a telephone already understands. 网络先驱罗伯特·梅特卡夫表述的梅特卡夫定律,它解释了电话用户早已了解的一个现象。 yeeyan Metcalfe's Law was named for Bob Metcalfe, the inventor of the Ethernet standard. 梅特卡夫定律是以以太网标准的发明者 Bob Metcalfe的名字命名的。 ibm Metcalfe's Law. This one's named after Robert Metcalfe, the inventor of the computer networking protocol Ethernet. 梅特卡夫定律这条定律是用以太网络的发明人罗伯特·梅特卡夫的名字命名的。 jlxy.yo2.cn |