

单词 metastasizing
释义 me·tas·ta·size 英mɪ'tæstəsaɪz美mə'tæstəˌsaɪz COCA¹⁰⁰⁰⁸³BNC¹⁷³⁹⁹⁵⁺²
spread throughout the body;

the cancer had metastasized and the patient could not be saved

用作不及物动词Carcinomas oftenmetastasizeto lymphatics.癌经常转移至淋巴管。
Although giant-cell tumors are typically considered to be benign tumors, they can be aggressie and can eenmetastasize.骨巨细胞瘤虽然通常被认为是良性肿瘤,但可能会有侵袭性甚至发生转移。as in.filter
同义词 clean,drain,dribble,leak,penetrate,percolate,permeate,refine,sift,trickle,winnowclarify,distill,escape,exude,filtrate,metastasize,ooze,purify,screen,sieve,strainosmose,soak through
反义词 dirty,pour,pollutecollect,combine The surviving rate is related to the KPS grade before X- knife treatment, to being or not being metastasizing to other parts, and to having or not having WBI.
生存率与 X-刀治疗前 KPS评分级别、有无其它部位转移、是否行全脑放疗有关。 cnki

To his consternation, what Gou saw the evening of Sept.21 was another instance of the blackmail journalism metastasizing through China's news media.
让苟华吃惊的是,他在9月21日晚上所见到的只是贯穿中国新闻传媒界的另一起勒索案。 icxo

To the west, Iraq still has yet to form a government after seven months of post- election deadlock, and attacks on the Green Zone are metastasizing in a frightening way.
西边,选举已结束7个月的伊拉克仍处于无政府的僵局,而对巴格达“绿区”发动的攻击也正使局势愈趋恶化。 yeeyan

In few places is that conflict as evident as here in Ghaziabad, which sits at the eastern edge of New Delhi, a metastasizing megacity.
冲突在一些地方像在坐落于新德里东部,正在向大都市转变的阿巴德一样明显。 yeeyan

Mutations in GNA11 induced spontaneously metastasizing tumors in a mouse model and activated the mitogen- activated protein kinase pathway.
在小鼠模型中, GNA11突变诱导了自发转移性肿瘤,激活了丝裂原活化蛋白激酶途径。 dxy

Not long before, three separate lawsuits charged that the Large Hadron Collider would seed a metastasizing black hole under Lake Geneva.
不久前,3个独立的法律诉讼指控大型强子对撞机Large Hadron Collider会在日内瓦湖下引起一个可移动的黑洞。 yeeyan

The findings, which were published in the Jan.1 issue of the journal Science, may also have implications for detecting metastasizing cancer cells.
该发现发表在1月份第一期的科学杂志上,可能对检测转移中的癌细胞也有一定意义。 suiniyi




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