

单词 metabolized
释义 me·tab·o·lize·d 英mə'tæbəlaɪz美mə'tæbəlaɪz COCA⁶⁸⁵⁴³BNC¹²⁶⁴¹⁶⁺
produce by metabolism近义词 失败毁…发生故障absorb吸收digest摘要process工序take up拿起break down分解make use of利用metabolise使代谢

用作及物动词Our bodies constantlymetabolizethe food we eat.我们吃的食物在体内不停分解产生代谢变化。 A rapid in vitro assessment of CYP450 induction and inhibition is a part of the current paradigms for identifying drug substances likely to be metabolized via such interactions.
目前确定候选药物出现此类相互作用可能性的主要方法是通过体外 CYP450诱导和抑制潜能的快速筛选。 chemyq

Moreover, most of the drugs are metabolized by these enzymes, so, voriconazole would be expected to possess many potential drug interactions.
因此,伏立康唑与很多药物都存在潜在的相互作用,医生在应用此药时应引起注意。 kns50.chkd.cnki.net

The cellulose would be metabolized to ethanol by yeast, which would produce proteins in the process.
纤维素可以由酵母通过发酵形成乙醇,在此过程中酵母菌可以生产蛋白质。 shxy.wzu.edu.cn

The research of LAS'S absorbed and metabolized by vegetable has been made.
研究了 LAS被蔬菜吸收及代谢过程的规律。 chemyq

Their blood supply gone, fat cells are reabsorbed and metabolized.
没有血供则脂肪细胞会被重吸收和代谢。 dxy

Epilepsy is a common disease in nervous system. Most antiepileptic drugs are metabolized by liver enzymes. such as cytochrome P450 enzyme.
癫癎是危害人类健康的常见神经系统疾病,临床常用抗癫癎药多通过细胞色素 P450等肝药酶代谢。 d.wanfangdata.com.cn

Excess protein must be metabolized, this requires energy, which generates heat. This aggravates heat stress.
过量的蛋白质必须被代谢掉,这需要能量并产生热;该过程加重热应激。 zgyangzhi

Exogenous growth factors have a short half-life period, which are diluted and metabolized in vivo.
目的:外源性成骨生长因子半衰期短,在体内使用很快被稀释和代谢。 fabiao

Glycerol obtained from the breakdown of fat is metabolized by conversion to dihydroxyacetone phosphate, a glycolytic intermediate, in two enzyme-catalyzed reactions.
来源于脂肪的甘油经两步酶促反应代谢转化为糖酵解的中间产物磷酸二羟丙酮。 tdict

Instead of accumulating in the blood or being stored by the body, the fat was metabolized, converted to carbon dioxide and exhaled.
脂肪通过代谢转化为二氧化碳并呼出而不是积累在血液里或储存于体内。 dxy

It carries fatty acids into the mitochondria of each cell, where they are metabolized to produce ATP, the body's prime energy fuel.
它延续到每个细胞,他们在那里产生 ATP的代谢,是身体的首要能源燃料线粒体脂肪酸。 fuwagouwu

It showed that glucose was mainly metabolized through the EMP pathway. In the production phase, the metabolic flux of the pyruvate carboxylation was large.
研究了菌体生长和生产阶段的代谢流分布,结果说明该菌葡萄糖的代谢以糖酵解途径为主,在产酸阶段丙酮酸羧化反应的代谢流量较大。 cnki

Once they enter the systemic circulation, all ICS are rapidly metabolized by the liver.
一旦药物进入体循环,所有的 ICS都会被肝脏迅速代谢。 chinaasthma

Plavix does not have its anti- platelet effects until it is metabolized into its active form by the liver enzyme, CYP2C19.
波立维在被肝酶 CYP2C19代谢转化为其活性形式前不具有抗血小板作用。 srrsh

Professor Mu: You know the naturally produced GLP1 is very easy to be hydrolyzed so its half life is very short and easy to be metabolized.
母义明教授:您知道天然 GLP-1很易被水解,因此它的半衰期很短,易被代谢。 www.idiabetes.com.cn

Protein is metabolized better when it's divided evenly.
蛋白质代谢时,它的平均分配。 jingcaijs.com

The conclusion is that induced resistance may be one of the mechanisms of E26 agent controlling crown gall of grape vines in which metabolized products of E26 strain play the major role.
因此, E26菌剂防治葡萄根癌病存在着诱导抗性的作用,且主要是代谢产物的作用。 fabiao

This is because the oxygen inside the bag gets metabolized by the food and used up in its natural course of oxidation.
这是因为袋子里面的残留氧气会和里面的食物产生代谢变化,从而在氧化过程中用尽那些氧气。 cnmalamute

While much of the Clenbuterol will be excreted or metabolized, there is still a considerable amount retained by the animals especially in the liver, muscles, and retina.
克伦特罗在被机体吸收、转化、代谢的过程中,虽然大部分被代谢或排泄,但仍有相当量残留在肝脏、肌肉、视网膜等组织中。 fabiao




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