

单词 messed with
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Has daylight saving's time messed with your bedtime?
夏令时搅乱了你的睡眠吗? hengqian

There's this perverse satisfaction she gets by messing with things and, in turn, observing things being messed with.
她从把事情弄糟的过程中获得一种病态的快感,反过来, 会去观察事情被弄糟的样子。 yeeyan

Although nowhere near as toxic as their close cousins, the black widow, these little chaps are still not to be messed with.
尽管与近亲黑寡妇蛛相比它们的毒性不算什么,但这些小家伙也不是好惹的。 yeeyan

Even a short stay in South Korea impresses on the visitor that the matter of Korea's bloodlines is not to be messed with.
即使只是在南韩作短暂的停留的访客,也会感到这一古国的朝鲜血统是那么的纯正。 ecocn

Scientists found that treating adult mice with oral antibiotics not only messed with the balance of bugs in their bellies, but it changed their brain chemistry and behavior.
科学家发现,用口服抗生素治疗成年老鼠不仅打乱了小鼠腹内微生物平衡,还改变了它们的大脑化学物质和行为。 hjenglish

The problem here is not that a particular rate of inflation would be breached; it is the simple fact that inflation is considered a variable to be messed with in the first place.
这里的问题不在于会突破某个特定的通胀率,而是一个简单的事实:通胀率一开始就被视为一种可以任意摆弄的变量。 iciba




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