

单词 are after
释义 are after短语¹²¹⁵⁵
Be clear, in your own mind, about exactly what you are after.
自己心中要明确到底要达到什么目的。 blog.sina.com.cn

Day bloomers are after birds, bees, butterflies, and ladybugs; night bloomers are visited by moths, crickets, katydids, and small mammals.
白天开花的植物会招来鸟类、蜜蜂、蝴蝶和瓢虫;夜晚开花的植物则会勾来飞蛾、蟋蟀、螽斯和小型哺乳动物。 yeeyan

If they went more slowly, and used less weight they would get the result they are after more quickly.
如果他们慢下来了,或者训练用的重量少了,他们就会设法追上去。 yeeyan

In America, people know there are always10 people better than them who are after their job.
在美国,人们知道一个工作岗位有十个比自己更好的候选者等着自己被炒。 yeeyan

Indeed, if it is long-term results you are after, the only medical intervention that really works is stomach surgery banding, etc.
的确,如果你真的想达到长期疗效,能用的医疗手段也只就有胃部手术了腹带等。 yeeyan

Jim, they are after us. We must leave here at once.
吉姆,他们在追捕我们。你我必须立刻离开这里。 feie.org

The police are after the thieves.
警察在追踪窃贼。 haotushu

These new features such as Windows syncing and improvements to speed might be just the thing users are after!
这些特性中如: Windows文件同步和速度提升也许就是用户真正想要的。 yeeyan




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