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Mesoproterozoic ,mesәu'prɔtәrә'zәuik 基本例句 中元古生代 The mineralization epoch is the early period of mesoproterozoic Era.成矿时代为中元古代早期。 The result also support that theMesoproterozoicorogen in KangdianArea may be related to Grenville orogeny.富良棚凝灰岩SHRIMP U-Pb年龄也表明康滇南部发育的中元古代晚期造山活动,可能与全球Grenville期造山运动相关。 TheMesoproterozoicShuangqiaoshan Group in northern Jiangxi appears as a complete turbidite fan.赣北中元古界双桥山群是一个完整的浊积扇体。 Yuerya-type gold deposit occurs within the Yanshanian granite and its contact zone withMesoproterozoicdolomitite.2产于中生代花岗岩中及其接触带中的峪耳崖式金矿; In the north and the east parts, Paleoproterozoic rifting developed well,and thenMesoproterozoicvolcanism and weak magmatism overprinted on it.西南段以新太古代花岗岩-绿岩带的地质事件为主,并叠加较为发育的中生代岩浆活动,成矿以金为主,其次为铜。 Stromatolitic cherts from theMesoproterozoicGaoyuzhuang Formation contain well preserved, paleoecologically diverse microfossils.华北中元古代高于庄组 的硅质叠层石中保存了完好的多种微生物化石。 |