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词汇 Mesopotamian
释义 Mes·o·po·ta·mi·a·n ˌmesəpəˈteɪmiən 高iWeb³⁰⁰³⁸Economist⁴¹³⁰³⁺²
the land between the Tigris and Euphrates; site of several ancient civilizations; part of what is now known as Iraq
用作名词Fighting spreads to central Mesopotamia.战斗蔓延到美索不达米亚中部。
The Akkadian Empire had collapsed and Mesopotamia was in turmoil.阿卡得的帝国已经崩溃了,美索不达米亚处于混乱中。 In the days after the fall of Saddam Hussein, more than15, 000 artifacts were taken from the museum's collection, including many ancient examples of Mesopotamian jewelry and ceramics.
萨达姆侯赛因倒台后,有15000多件馆藏被盗,其中包括很多古代美索不达米亚的珠宝和陶制品。 kekenet

In spring2004, for the first time in29 years Iraqi and Iranian water and environmental authorities together discussed the issue of the shared Mesopotamian Marshes.

Recriminations over the invasion of Iraq will linger, even though America has rediscovered merit in multilateralism after its Mesopotamian misadventures.

The face of Huwawa was made out of Mesopotamian clay nearly 3,000 years ago, in the city of Sippar in southern Iraq.
胡娃娃的脸是3000年前南伊拉克的 Sippar城用米索布达米亚的粘土制成。 ecocn

The Mesopotamian marshes originally made up an area more than three times the size of Norfolk, where the exhibition is showing, in Holt.
照片展上显示,美索不达米亚湿地原本的面积比照片展所在的诺福克郡霍尔特大三倍多。 yeeyan

And as midnight on New Year’s Eve approaches, I for one shall pull out the Mesopotamian clay face and fill my glass: “Here’s looking at you, Huwawa!”
当新年的午夜降临,我本人就会拿出美索不达米亚的陶土面具,戴上眼镜:“在这儿看着你,胡娃娃!” ecocn

At the other extreme, an elephant, with its five- million- fold larger brain, suffers the inefficiencies of a sprawling Mesopotamian empire.
在另一个极端,一头大象,以其比昆虫大五百万倍的大脑,却遭受着如同庞杂的美索不达米亚帝国般的低效率。 yeeyan

But Iraqi and U. S. officials say the Baghdad repository of5000 years of Mesopotamian history will reopen by year's end.
但是伊拉克和美国官方都声称,这座蕴含着美索不达米亚上下五千年历史文化的巴格达博物馆会在年底重新对外开放。 yeeyan

Duncan Melville is a Professor of Mathematics at St. Lawrence University in Canton, New York, whose special interest is Mesopotamian mathematics.
邓肯·梅尔维尔 Duncan Melville是纽约坎顿的圣劳伦斯大学数学教授,他的特殊兴趣在于美索不达米亚的数学。 yeeyan

Famous for its “ wondrous” hanging gardens, the ancient Mesopotamian city of Babylon had as turbulent a history as its location in present-day Iraq suggests.
古巴比伦位于今伊拉克共和国境内。 这座美索不达米亚平原孕育出来的城市因其令人惊叹的空中花园而世界闻名。 ebigear

Furthermore in the Mesopotamian accounts the gods do not appear to be in control.

In the Mesopotamian stories, for example, the gods act capriciously, the gods act on a whim.

Other distinct groups are Persians, Lurs, Armenians possible descendants of the ancient Mesopotamian culture.
其他地区的族群包括波斯人Persians、 Lurs、亚美尼亚人 Armenians可能是古老美索不达米亚 Mesopotamian文化的后裔。 ebigear




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