

单词 mesodermal
释义 mes·o·der·mal 英,mɛzo'dɝməl美,mɛzo'dɝməl COCA²²⁴⁰⁹⁵BNC¹²⁶⁴¹⁶⁺iWeb⁴⁶⁸¹²

relating to or derived from the mesodermectopic mesodermal tissue异位中胚层组织…
mesoderm-al…的⇒中胚层的;中壳近义词 mesoblastic中胚层的
An internal body cavity of some primitive invertebrates, similar to a coelom but lacking a mesodermal lining.
某些原始无脊椎动物体内腔室,与体腔相似,但是没有中胚膜。 odict.net

The constituents of the dermis are mesodermal in origin except for nerves, which, like melanocytes, derive from the neural crest.
真皮的成分除神经外来源于中胚层。神经和黑素细胞一样来源于神经嵴。 blog.sina.com.cn

To discuss the influence of the diagnosis and treatment on the prognosis of patients with the mixed malignant mesodermal tumour of the uterus.
目的:探讨子宫混合性恶性中胚叶瘤的诊断及治疗方法对患者预后的影响。 cnki

Carcinosarcoma is a rare malignant neoplasma composed of both epithelial and mesodermal elements.
癌肉瘤是一种少见的恶性肿瘤,由上皮和中胚层成份组成。 cnki

Esophagus differentiated morphologically from foregut at the 10th day of incubation, Afterward, the mesodermal mesenchyme gathered gradually around the epithelium of esophagus.
孵化第10天食管从前肠中出现形态分化,之后,中胚层间充质细胞逐渐向食管上皮周围聚集。 cnki

Surprisingly, restricted regions of the embryo generated both migrating neural crest cells and their derivative cell types, without any interaction with neural or mesodermal tissues.
令人惊讶的是,胚胎中局部区域产生了迁移的神经嵴细胞和他们衍生的细胞型,它们与神经或中胚层组织完全无关。 dxy

We show that these pastes can differentiate into several mesodermal lineages, as well as neural lineage cells.
我们发现这些基质细胞不但能向多个胚层分化而且还能分化为神经系细胞。 te-rm

Mesodermal-type bones, muscles, connective tissue, fulfilling the patient, physical type than the ectodermal thin people get sick more delicate.




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