

单词 mesmerised
释义 mesmerised高COCA²²³⁹¹⁵BNC³⁷⁵⁰⁶Economist²⁶⁷⁷⁸⁺
having your attention fixated as though by a spell For15 years Labour has been dominated and mesmerised by the Blair- Brown duopoly.
布莱尔和布朗已双头垄断主宰工党15年。 ecocn

Mr Putin’s unexpected visits to Moscow theatres and impromptu remarks on productions leave artistic directors, who once symbolised the intelligentsia, mesmerised.
普京对莫斯科市内剧院的突然造访,以及他对于作品的即席评价,使那些昔日身为知识界代表的艺术家们如痴如醉。 ecocn

Mesmerised by the goal of getting a new job, moving to a better house or finding a person to share our life with, we can end up putting the rest of our life on indefinite hold.
获得一份新工作、搬入一套更好的房子、找到共度人生的另一半,着迷于此的我们,可能余生都会在无尽的等待中度过。 blog.sina.com.cn

Are you all being mesmerised?

His dribbling is out of this world, his natural feel of the ball is very good and initially in his early United career, i was often left mesmerised and amazed by this young talent.
他的盘带在这个星球上绝对是独一无二的,他对球的感觉非常好。在他刚刚开始他的老特拉福德生涯的时候,我常常被这个年轻的天才所吸引,惊叹。 mufans

My mood was nice, so carried my camera with me and then went out. I think I was mesmerised in shooting.
心情不错,端着相机出去拍,希望这不是佛所说的“执著”吧。 blog.sina.com.cn

Or was it at Carnegie Hall only last month, as I sat mesmerised by the music of Angel Lam, the dazzlingly gifted young Chinese composer who personifies the Orientalisation of classical music?
抑或就是上月在卡内基音乐厅 Carnegie Hall聆听才华横溢的中国青年作曲家林安淇 Angel Lam的作品时?她是古典音乐东方化的代表。 ecocn

Pisces is mesmerised by Scorpio, happy to become part of a Scorpio's dynamic world.
双鱼座会对天蝎座着迷,乐于走进天蝎座活跃的世界。 video.2u4u.com.cn

Some people dozed in their compartments, others played cards or chess. Others chatted, mingled or just sat alone with their thoughts, mesmerised by the magnitude of nature.
有人打盹,也有人打牌下棋聊天,或者独自面对壮观的自然风景,沉浸在思绪中。 yeeyan

THIRTY years ago, the world was mesmerised by pictures of52 blindfolded Americans being taken hostage in their embassy in Tehran by Iranian students.
30年前,伊朗学生挟持德黑兰美国大使馆52名人质,这些被蒙上眼睛的美国人质的照片惊动了整个世界。 ecocn

William was mesmerised by his fellow student as she sashayed down the catwalk in the outfit at a university fashion show eight years ago.
八年前,当凯特身着透视装在大学时装展的 T台上走秀时,威廉就被这位美女同学迷住了。 iciba




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