释义 |
mesh with短语⁵⁶⁷⁵⁶ 基本例句 与 Again, the key is ease of use of the administration software, and its ability to mesh with Active Directory's own built-in tools. 同样,关键是管理软件要易用,还要有能够与活动目录内置工具结合使用的能力。 shi-wei.net Before he accepts and attends daily or weekly meetings, he understands the agenda and goal of the meeting and how they mesh with his current intent. 在他接受并参加每日或每周的会议之前,他会了解会议的日程和目标,以及他们如何能接受他当前的意图。 ibm Book Burro was one of the first library- related browser plug-in applications to mesh with Amazon and other online bookstore web sites. Book Burro是第一个图书馆相关浏览器插件应用程序,用于啮合 Amazon和其它在线图书馆站点。 yeeyan I can tell you that nothing irks coworkers more than having to deal with a personality that doesn’t mesh with their own on a daily basis. 我可以跟你讲哦,,没有什么比有个跟你很不一样的个性要将就更让同事郁闷了。 yeeyan So you have to present it in ways that mesh with their own background and lives. 因此你不得不用契合黑人自身文化背景和生活习惯的方式呈现 CBT。 yeeyan |