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词汇 meshal
释义 meshalCOCA¹²⁸¹⁸⁹
A growing number of Americans, though not yet officials in the administration, are keen to seek him out, claims Mr Meshal.
马沙尔断言,越来越多的美国人虽然还不包括政府官员都热切地希望他出山。 ecocn

Although Mr Zahar stresses an Islamising agenda, Mr Meshal highlights the goal he shares with Fatah of establishing a Palestinian state.
扎哈尔先生强调的是一个伊斯兰化的目标,而马沙尔先生强调的则是他与法塔赫的共同目标——建立一个巴勒斯坦国。 ecocn

And Mr Meshal still stubbornly refuses to disavow the Hamas charter, dismissing it breezily as an old document in reality overtaken by events yet still— by implication— useful as bargaining chip.
马沙尔先生仍然顽固地拒绝放弃哈马斯宣言,轻描淡写地将它说成是一个已经落后于事态发展的旧章程而无需关注了,但暗示它作为一个讨价还价的筹码还是有用的。 ecocn

Formally Mr Meshal, who is based in Syria’s capital, Damascus, speaks for Hamas.
之前一直是在叙利亚首都大马士革活动的马沙尔先生代表着哈马斯。 ecocn

In1997, for instance, Mossad agents tried to eliminate Khaled Meshal, a senior Hamas official, in Jordansee article.

The Qassam Brigades, Hamas’s military wing, which claims allegiance to Mr Meshal, has proclaimed a new round of violence against Israel.
效忠于马沙尔的哈马斯军事派别“卡桑旅”已声称其将对以色列发动新一轮的暴力袭击。 ecocn

As the head of a terrorist organisationin the eyes of the EU and US and leader of the elected government in Gaza, Khaled Meshal is vital to any resolution of the Middle East conflict.
作为一个欧美眼中恐怖组织的领袖和加沙民选政府的领袖,哈立德.马沙尔对于任何解决中东冲突的考虑都是至关重要的。 yeeyan

But now that American- brokered talks between Israelis and Palestinians have begun without them, Khaled Meshal, the Hamas leader, and his comrades are smarting.
但是,因为美国安排的巴以和谈在没有哈马斯成员参加的情况下开始了,哈马斯领袖哈立德·马沙尔和他的战友便怒火冲天。 ecocn

Cracks have opened in its leadership, which is shared by Mr Meshal in Damascus, the government in the occupied territories and prisoners in Israel.
其领导层出现了裂痕,这个领导层包括大马士革的马沙尔、被占领土上的政府和关押在以色列的囚犯。 ecocn

Depending more on friends outside Palestine, Mr Meshal faces pressure from Islamist movements elsewhere in the Arab world to show a more conciliatory face.
由于依赖于巴勒斯坦外的友人,马沙尔先生面临着来自阿拉伯世界其他地方的伊斯兰运动的压力,不得不表现出趋向于和解的样子。 ecocn

Egyptian efforts to negotiate the soldier's release, which some Hamas politicians openly supported, have been torpedoed by Mr Meshal.
埃及努力斡旋,要求释放以色列士兵,虽然受到一些哈马斯政治人物的公开支持,但遭到了迈沙阿勒的破坏。 ecocn

Exiled Hamas leader Khaled Meshal has advocated a new umbrella body to represent Palestinians in Gaza, the West Bank and in the diaspora.
流亡的哈马斯领导人哈立德马沙尔倡导一种新的总括机构来代表在加沙,西岸和散居的巴勒斯坦人。 yeeyan

Hamas's exiled chief, Khaled Meshal, is frequently at odds with leaders in Gaza.
哈马斯的流亡领导人哈立德•马沙尔 Khaled Meshal,就常常与在加沙的领导层不合。 ecocn

Mr Meshal also points to a split in the peacemaking Quartet of the EU, Russia, the UN and the United States.
马沙尔还指出,欧盟、俄罗斯、联合国和美国是参与调停的四方,但他们之间也出现了裂痕。 ecocn

Pulling the other way have been Hamas's backers, Syriawhere Hamas's supreme leader, Khaled Meshal, resides and Iran.
而拉绳的另一方则是哈马斯的支持者、叙利亚哈马斯最高领导人哈立德·迈沙阿勒( Khaled Meshal就定居在该国)以及伊朗。 ecocn

So Mr Meshal is waiting for the talks to fail, hoping for a groundswell of diplomatic calls for Hamas to be part of future negotiations, even if it refuses to recognise Israel first.
因此,马沙尔先生正在静候谈判的失败,希望一场要求哈马斯加入未来谈判的外交浪潮能够平地而起,即使哈马斯拒绝首先承认以色列也无所谓。 ecocn

That will hardly convince the Israelis, but Mr Meshal sounds endlessly wary of making concessions that might not then be reciprocated.
仅此很难说服以色列人做出妥协,但马沙尔先生似乎对做出没有得到即时回报的让步持极端谨慎的态度。 ecocn

Whereas Mr Meshal relies on diplomatic and foreign ties for his influence, Hamas leaders in Gaza depend more on their own resources.
马沙尔先生更大程度上依赖于外交关系来施展其影响,而加沙地带的哈马斯领导人则更依赖于自身力量。 ecocn

Yet Russia’s president, Dmitri Medvedev, recently held talks with Mr Meshal, making it plain he intends to foster relations.
而俄罗斯总统梅德韦杰夫最近同马沙尔举行了一次会谈,明白无误地表达了他打算促进双方关系的意愿。 ecocn




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