

单词 Mesas
释义 Mesas
It has also produced odd landscapes of precarious mesas that would have toppled centuries ago in worlds with standard gravities.
低重力也构造起奇异的地形。若是换在标准重力的星球,这里危险的台地在数个世纪前就早已坍塌了。 starwarsfans.cn

Softer rock layers within the mesas eroded to form steep canyons and overhangs along their slopes.
台地被风化侵蚀后的沙土层形成了陡峭的峡谷和悬崖。 yeeyan

A narrow trail hugs the sides of a mesa and descends into a valley etched by deep ravines and bordered by other large mesas.
一条狭窄的小路紧靠在一座平顶山的一侧,最后下落到一处布满深沟,与另一座大平顶山相邻的峡谷之中。 chengan

China Danxia contains a wide variety of well developed red-beds landforms such as peaks, towers, mesas, cuestas, cliffs, valleys, caves and arches.
中国丹霞包含了一系列完好发育的红层地貌,如石峰、石柱、平顶山、单面山、崖壁、沟谷、洞穴和天生桥。 www.177dx.com

In 1986, we climbed into a rented motor home and bolted south Florida for the mesas of New Mexico, seeing cousins and digging for Indian arrowheads in my aunt's yard.
1986年,我们乘租来的房车从南佛罗里达去新墨西哥的平顶山,去看表兄弟,在姑姑的院子里挖宝。 yeeyan

Mountainous, mesas, streams and forests.
山地,台地,河流,森林。 starwarsfans.cn

The Anasazi used hardened dry mud, called adobe, along with sandstone to form intricate buildings and were sometimes found high in the natural overhangs of the mesas.
阿纳萨奇人用这些干泥巴即土砖和沙石建造了复杂的建筑,有时候建在陡峭的台地悬崖上。 yeeyan

The Canyon's interior features a wide maze of multicolored mesas, cliff and headlands that contain smaller canyons.
大峡谷内部有着各种多彩的平顶山、峭壁以及有着小峡谷的岬。 uzai




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