

单词 merlot
释义 Mer·lot 英məˈləʊ, mer-美mɚˈlo, mɛr-AHDmər-lōʹ, mĕr- 高COCA³³¹⁸⁸BNC¹²⁶⁴¹⁶⁺iWeb²⁷¹⁰⁰

black wine grape originally from the region of Bordeauxdry red wine made from a grape grown widely in Bordeaux and Californiaas in.red wine
同义词 burgundy,cabernet,cabernet sauvignon,claret,pinot,shiraz
red winenoun wine from dark-colored grapes
burgundy,cabernet,cabernet sauvignon,claret,pinot,shiraz It seems a shame to cull graceful creatures such as springbok, but their meat is lean, tender and delicious, especially when served with a berry sauce and a fine South African merlot.
猎杀像羚羊这样优雅的动物似乎是一件可耻的事情,但是它们的肉质精瘦鲜嫩,尤其是配有草莓酱和南非红酒,更是难得的美味。 yeeyan

“ It is like drinking merlot, ” said Douglas A. Kass, the president of Seabreeze Partners, who got hooked on Olympic curling a few years ago via CNBC.
“这就像品梅乐红葡萄酒一样,” Seabreeze Partners的总裁道格拉斯凯斯说道。几年前通过看 CNBC转播的奥林匹克冰壶比赛他迷上了这项运动。 yeeyan

A classic blend of the noble grape varieties Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot from some of Western Australia's most exceptional vineyard sites.
一款典型来自西澳大利亚卓越葡萄园的经典赤霞珠和美乐的混合品种。 blog.sina.com.cn

Bitter red wines include Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot and Zinfandel and Syrah.

Electricity for the operation comes from1,000 solar panels erected along the Merlot vines; the heating and cooling are supplied by a geothermal system that taps into the earth's heat.
它的生产用电来自沿着梅洛葡萄树耸立的1000个太阳能电池板;加热和冷却由接入地热的地热系统提供。 yeeyan

For wine, stick with the darker reds merlot, cabernet sauvignon for their high antioxidant content.
如果是葡萄酒,应该选择深色的红酒梅乐、赤霞珠,因为它们的抗氧化成分含量更高。 yeeyan

Grape variety: Cabernet Sauvignon, Cabernet Franc, Merlot.
葡萄品种:赤霞珠,品丽珠,美乐。 deyijun1919

Grenache, Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon and Carignan, a typical varietal from Southern France.
歌海娜,美乐,赤霞珠以及佳丽酿,是属于法国南部的经典葡萄酒。 wines-info

He planted rootstocks of Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot and Chardonnay and grew the wine grapes with a lot of patience, care and attention.
他亲子种植了赤霞珠、美乐和莎当妮葡萄砧木,投入了极大的耐心、爱心和关注。 blog.sina.com.cn

I picked up a bottle of Merlot on the way home.
我在回家的路上买了瓶梅洛红酒。 ewstudy

Made with merlot, cabernet sauvignon and cabernet franc planted on clayey and chalky soil, the grapes are picked by machine after being tasted for their ripeness.
由生长在黏土、石灰质上土地的梅洛、卡本内苏维浓及卡本内弗朗所酿造。果实皆在品尝检测过成熟度后方才摘取。 iciba

My wife and I scramble to keep up with him as he shows us around the vertiginous terraces now planted with merlot and cabernet sauvignon vines.
他带我们参观令人目眩的梯田——目前种植着梅洛和赤霞珠——之时,我和我的妻子攀爬着才能赶上他的脚步。 yeeyan

Perhaps one of her finds was the pointed on-trend merlot velvet pair she wore to the7th annual CFDA awards that very night.
而她在出席今年 CFDA的典礼时所穿的那双天鹅绒露趾鞋或许就是“战利品”之一。 ebigear

Rahul shovels on soil, splattering the black lettering on the box: Merlot,12 bottles.
拉胡尔铲起土来,撒在盒子的黑字上:墨尔乐红葡萄酒,12瓶。 yeeyan

Smoothing as the diving into the sea, this Australian Merlot is a deeper, brilliant red.
这款梅洛葡萄酒口感平滑顺口,色泽为明亮的深红色。 xici

The Palandri Cabernet Merlot combines the best of both varieties.
柏兰爵赤霞珠美乐,集最好的两个品种配置而成。 blog.sina.com.cn

The breaking acceleration for a merlot is about40% of the force of gravity, the team concluded, or nearly4 meters per second.
“使梅洛的波瓦解的加速度大约是重力的40%,”这个团队总结道,“也可以说是4米每秒。” yeeyan

The team filled up small cylinders in a range of sizes with different volumes of a cheap merlot, then set them spinning.
这个团队用不同体积的廉价梅洛装满了大小一定范围内的小圆桶,然后使它们旋转。 yeeyan




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