

单词 merkel's
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“ Merkel's Battle For Our Euro, ” read the title in the popular Bild newspaper; in other words, the German version of the euro, not the European one.
“默克尔为我们的欧元而战”,流行的《德国画报》标题写道;换言之,是德国版的欧元,而不是欧洲人的欧元。 yeeyan

And though Merkel's political coalition was battered in subsequent elections by Germany's anti- nuclear Greens, the erosion of her popularity had in fact begun months earlier.
虽然默克尔的政治联盟在随后的选举中饱受德国反核绿党的攻击,但她的人气早在几个月前就开始开跌了。 yeeyan

Both events will transform Mrs Merkel's chancellorship.
这两起事件都改变了默克尔的执政生涯。 ecocn

But although all this was troubling, Angela Merkel's attempt to fix it has been spectacularly clumsy.
虽然这所有的一些有问题,但是,默克尔试图解决它简直就是一个小丑。 ecocn

Chancellor Merkel's acceptance that any private sector contribution should be voluntary means there's/span> slightly less danger of that drama turning to financial tragedy.
默克尔总理接受私营部门应该实施自愿原则意味着希腊经济引发金融灾难的危险性稍微减少了一点。 hxen

Despite Ms Merkel's popularity, it won just33.8% of the vote, its smallest share in60 years.
尽管有默克尔女士的声望,它仅仅赢得了33.8%的选票,是60年来最少的。 xmlchina

Germany's/span> Social Democratic Party is pushing for legislation to clamp down on pay, though its partner in government, Angela Merkel's Christian Democratic Union, has so far resisted.
尽管德国社会民主党正在推动立法以降低薪酬,但它在政府的伙伴-默克尔的基督教社会联盟目前还是持反对意见。 yeeyan

Located in the heart of Ms Merkel's own constituency, it is her version of Crawford, Texas— but with a small apartment and an office rather than a ranch.
该城坐落于默克尔自己的选区的核心位置,是德国版的德克萨斯克劳福德农场——不过其只有一套小寓所和一间办公室,而不像是布什的农场。 topsage

Mr Steinmeier's/span> Social Democratic PartySPD is trailing in the polls more than ten points behind Ms Merkel's Christian Democratic Union CDU, its partner in the “ grand coalition government”.
斯泰因迈尔所在的社会民主党在民调中比分落后默克尔的基督民主联盟十个点,这两个党在“德国大联合政府”中是搭档。 ecocn

Polish leaders have also made friends with Germany, seeing in Angela Merkel's leadership an opportunity for a powerful friendship.
波兰领导人也和德国建立了友谊,从默克尔的领导中看到加深交情的大好时机。 topsage

That was all before the state elections in Baden-Württemberg, which Angela Merkel's ruling coalition lost in any case.
这就是在巴登符腾堡州全国选举前的全部,无论如何,安格拉•默克尔的执政联盟都会败北。 ecocn

They are in effect accusing Ms Merkel's government of bribing Magna to ensure that most of the pain of restructuring the perennially loss making car firm is borne by non- Germans.
实际上,他们是指责默克尔政府贿赂麦格纳国际以使重建长期亏损的汽车工厂的痛苦由非德国人来承担。 ecocn

Merkel's priority will be to consolidate the public finances as the country emerges from the worst recession since the fall of the Weimar republic in the1930s.
德国遭受了1930年代魏玛共和国灭亡以来最严重的经济衰退,从此次衰退中走出来之后,默克尔的首要任务就是稳固公共财政。 yeeyan

Merkel's warning that the situation will not be resolved with a single“ spectacular event” alarmed analysts, who fear that further indecision could trigger another stage of the crisis.
默克尔警告说目前局势绝非一次“大手笔”可以解决。警觉的分析师则认为更加优柔寡断会激发其他危机的发生。 yeeyan




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