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词汇 merit
释义 mer·it 英ˈmerɪt美ˈmɛrɪtAHDmĕrʹĭt ★★☆☆☆高四六研GIT宝46八COCA⁶¹⁵⁵BNC⁷⁴⁹⁸iWeb⁵¹⁶⁹Economist⁶¹³⁸

U功勋,功劳; 价值

the quality of deserving praise, reward


a good quality

any admirable quality or attribute;

work of great merit

the quality of being deserving e.g., deserving assistance;

there were many children whose deservingness he recognized and rewarded

be worthy or deserving;

You deserve a promotion after all the hard work you have done

merit, value, virtue, worth

这几个词都可以表示“价值”。merit通常指人为价值,所评论的事物本身也许比真实的价值高; value指“价值,意义”,含有excellent的意味; virtue通常指对人、物的“好处,优越性”; worth通常指人们估计的价值比其本身的价值高。






用作名词 n.
动词+~compare merit比较优点recognize merit承认功绩形容词+~artistic merit艺术价值intrinsic merit内在的价值real merit确有价值relative merit相对优点介词+~according to merit根据成绩~+介词the merit of being clear清晰的优点
应用实例英国硕士学位成绩分为fail不及格和pass及格,其中pass及格又可以进一步细分为pass及格、pass with merit良好、pass with distinction优秀三个等级。
mer经过努力而获得,应该得到,来自拉丁语,罕见词根+it拉丁语动词的过去分词后缀,等于=ed,在此除了构成动词外,还可以构成名词,表示动作完成后的结果→应该得到→值得,应受→值得嘉奖回报的品德和行为⇒优点,美德,价值,功绩,善行。非常记忆me么〖拼音〗+ri日〖拼音〗+t伞〖编码〗⇒优点么,就是每日能够打伞GRE红宝书marry it 嫁给他是因为他的长处与优点发音记忆发音像“marry it”→嫁给它,值得发音记忆“marry it”→嫁给它→值得比较demerit缺点近义词 valueworthvirtue反义词 demerit
用作名词n.He reached his present senior position through sheer merit.他全靠他的功绩才达到今天的地位。
His merit will get its reward.他的功劳会得到报偿的。
The picture shows much artistic merit.这幅画有很高的艺术价值。
One of her many merits is absolute reliability.她的长处之一就是绝对可靠。
The committee are looking at the merits and demerits of the proposal.委员会正在评判该提议的优缺点。
There is great merit in dealing fairly with your employees.公正地对待你的雇员有极大好处。Pdemeritn.缺点短处过失Pmeritocracyn.精英领导阶级Punmeriteda.不应受的不配得的Pmeritoriousa.有功绩的有价值的可称赞的meriteda.该得的理所当然的应得的动词merit的过去式和过去分词形式



This book has not much merit.This book has many merits.
用作名词This method at least had themeritof simplicity.这种办法至少有简单明了的优点。
Charms strikes the sight, butmeritwins the soul.美貌吸引目光,优点赢得心灵。
That will subtract nothing from hismerit.那将无损于他的功绩。
Promotion should be based onmeritalone.晋升应完全根据功绩。
I want to get the job onmerit.我要凭才能得到这份工作。
This is a proposal of somemerit.这是个有价值的建议。用作动词His new achievementsmeritour attention.他取得的新成就值得关注。
The case does notmeritfurther investigation.这个案子不值得进一步调查。
He doesn'tmerithis punishment.他不应该受到这样的惩罚。noun.advantage
同义词 benefit,dignity,excellence,integrity,quality,stature,talent,value,virtue,worthinessarete,asset,caliber,credit,desert,excellency,good,goodness,honor,perfection,worthstrong point
反义词 disadvantage,dishonor,disrespect,evil,ill repute,wickedness,worthlessnessdemerit,fault, entitled to
同义词 deserve,justify,warrantearn,incur,ratebe in line for,be worthy,get one's comeuppance,get one's due,get one's just desserts,get what is coming,have a claim,have a right,have coming
amenitynoun pleasant thing
beautiesnoun advantage
adorablenesses,allurements,allures,artistry,attractions,blooms,charms,classes,comelinesses,delicacies,elegance,exquisitenesses,fairness,fascinations,glamors,good looks,graces,handsomeness,loveliness,polishes,pulchritude,refinements,shapelinesses,styles,symmetries,winsomenesses
beautynoun advantage
asset,attraction,benefit,blessing,boon,excellent,feature,good thing,importance,merit,value,worth
calibernoun capacity;character
creditnoun recognition;trust
acclaim,acknowledgment,approval,attention,belief,brownie points,commendation,confidence,credence,distinction,faith,fame,glory,honor,kudos,merit,notice,pat on the back,points,praise,reliance,strokes,thanks,tribute
creditsnoun recognition;trust
acclaim,acknowledgments,approvals,attentions,beliefs,brownie points,commendations,confidences,credence,distinctions,faiths,fame,glories,honors,kudos,merits,notices,pat on the backs,points,praise,reliance,strokes,thanks,tributes And it also had scientific merit as part of the photographer’s research on how mosquitoes carry and spread disease.
它也是拍摄者研究内容的一部分,具有科学价值:研究蚊子如何携带和传播疾病。 yeeyan

At the end of this chapter we point out which of these areas we believe especially merit additional study.
本章的末尾,我们指出这些领域之中的一些尤其值得更多地进行研究。 yeeyan

In other words, the merit of virtual water is not to give precise figures but to alert people that they might be better off growing different crops, or moving their manufacturing to another country.
换句话说,虚拟水的价值不是提供确切的数据,而是让人们意识到种植不同的作物可能使境况更好,或者把他们的工业转移到其它国家。 ecocn

The same egalitarian approach starts off by regarding all sources as equal, regardless of merit.
通过将所有信息来源平等看待,而不管其价值开启同样平等主义的途径。 ecocn

A CONTEMPORARY work of art can provoke outrage disproportionate to its artistic merit.
一幅当代艺术作品能够激起与其艺术价值不相称的愤怒。 ecocn

And although there is no substitute for merit in writing, clarity comes closest to being one.
尽管在写作中,没有什么东西可以称得上优点,但是“清晰”却是一个。 yeeyan

As Mary Parker Follett once said from a distinctly female perspective, there is merit to be gained in managers exercising power with their fellow employees, rather than power over them.
正如玛丽·帕克·福利特曾经站在一个清晰的女性视角所说的话:经理与员工共同使用权力,而不是经理对员工使用权力,前者才是价值所获。 yeeyan

Audits, however, tend to be thorough, and transactions that merit an audit are often the complicated ones involving many documents that demand that you spend time tracing them.
但是,审计一般都比较深入,并且值得审计的交易通常是比较复杂的,涉及到很多的文档,需要您花时间去跟踪这些文档。 ibm

Both of these environments have merit and value, so it is really a matter preference.
这两种环境都各有优点和价值,因此选择哪一种环境只是个人的偏好问题。 ibm

But there are cases when the public interest does merit intrusion.
然而公众利益确实有值得入侵的情况存在。 yeeyan

For example, the Boy Scouts of America allows more than 100 different merit badges to be earned, each focused on a specific topic such as Plant Science or Lifesaving.
例如,美国童子军有可以因100个不同的优点而获得奖励徽章,每一个都以如植物科学或救生等特定主题为着眼点。 yeeyan

History affords us lessons that merit attention.

I mean people advancing their careers or agendas by means other than merit and contribution.
我的意思是人们想升迁靠的是手段而不是靠他们的功绩和贡献。 yeeyan

If your ideas have merit, sooner or later someone will publish them.
如果你的想法有价值,迟早有人会出版它们的。 ibm

In the case of software, contributions should be judged by the merit of the code, not by whether the contributor works for the right company.
就软件来说,贡献程度应该又代码价值来决定,而不是看贡献者是否为“正确的公司”工作。 yeeyan

In narrow terms, the merit of such deals depends on whether they create trade or divert it.
从狭义的角度来看,此类协议的价值取决于它们是否能够创造或者转移贸易。 ecocn

In that situation I would say a merit based on.
在那种情况下,我要说以价值为基础。 yeeyan

It is needless to expatiate on its poetic merit or felicity of diction.
阐述这首诗的优点或是措辞的得当,没有这个必要。 yeeyan

Okay, that old adage might have had more merit fifty or more years ago, but I disagree with it in today’s business climate, and especially for user support professionals.
当然了,倒退五十多年这句古训可能会更有价值,但是在现今的商业环境下,尤其是对从事用户支持的专业人员而言,我不敢苟同。 yeeyan

That remedy comes from economics so the discipline is not without merit.
这个补救措施源自经济学研究,因此不是毫无价值的。 ecocn

The idea has merit.
这个主意有些优点。 ecocn

The merit of viewing the four as a tetrad rather than selecting only three to form a triangle is that it gives greater prominence to quality.
把这四个变量看成是四元的而不是选出三个组合成三角形,它的优点在于:它给质量上带来了很多显著的帮助。 ibm

Therefore, whether people are speaking or not, hand gestures merit our attention as a rich source of nonverbal behavior to help us understand the thoughts and feelings of others.
因此,不论说不说话,作为一种丰富的非语言行为的资源,手势都值得我们关注,它能帮助我们理解别人的思想和感情。 yeeyan

This case has much more merit.
这一批评有着更多的价值。 ecocn

What we consider“ merit” is the result of education, and greater education requires greater income.
我们所认为的“功绩”是教育的结果,并且更高一级的教育要求有更好的收入。 yeeyan

You have to look at each case on its own merit.
但是你要从它本身的价值去看每一件事情。 yeeyan




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