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me·ri·o·nes AHDməˈrīəˌnēz 基本英英例句 沙鼠属¹⁰⁰
Noun: a genus of CricetidaeWhy did they fight, why did Diomed the divine break over the head ofMerionesthat great brazen helmet of ten points?为什么神圣的狄俄墨得斯把眉里奥纳巨大的青铜头盔戳上十个洞? Rodents population in Xi an area belong to 24 species 16 genera and 4 families.Merionesmeridianus Pall is the first time being reported in the area.西安地区啮齿动物隶属4科16属24种,其中子午沙鼠为本地区首次报道。 The results showed this area was single desert Haloxylon mmodendron community dominatedMerionesmeridianus-Rhomlomys opimus-Dipus sagitta.结果表明;该区域为单一的荒漠梭梭子午沙鼠 大沙鼠 三趾跳鼠群落。 |