

单词 meringue
释义 me·ringue 英məˈræŋ美məˈræŋAHDmə-răngʹ ★☆☆☆☆高COCA²⁴⁶⁹²BNC³⁶⁴⁶³iWeb¹⁶⁸⁵³
sweet topping especially for pies made of beaten egg whites and sugar来自法语meringue,蛋白酥。词源不详,可能来自瑞士村庄Meiringen而得名。merengue梅伦格舞海地和多米…
as in.topping
同义词 frosting,garnish,plunge,sauce
toppingnoun covering
frosting,garnish,plunge,sauce Baked Alaska is a layer of cake covered with ice cream and meringue and broiled.
火焰雪山是一层蛋糕覆以冰激凌和蛋白糖霜然后炙烤。 dianping

I'm really full, but I'd like try the lemon meringue pie if you don't mind. I've heard a lot of people talk about it, but I've never tasted it.
够了,不过,你不介意的话,我想再尝尝柠檬蛋白酥皮筒,我听到不少人谈起这道甜点心,我还从来没有吃过。 hotdic

Just before serving, spread filling into meringue shell. Top with strawberries. Drizzle with glaze.
在吃之前再把馅料放入饼皮,把草莓铺满表面,再加上草莓糖浆。 cri

More meringue than lemon, I’m afraid.
恐怕,蛋白酥皮多于柠檬。 yeeyan

Strawberry Shortcake, Cherry Pie, Lemon Meringue.
樱桃、柠檬口味。 chs888.com

Tailored outfits are more popular than meringue- shaped gowns as economical women want to be able to wear the dress again for nights out, according to the research by industry experts.
婚纱设计业调研发现,比起蛋糖霜形状的传统婚纱,特制婚服更加流行。 它们更加经济,可以在日后参加聚会时反复穿着。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

The mask of meringue on her face looked eerie, not clownish at all, and her mouth speaking through the white foam seemed to be a separate creature entirely, a puppet or a fish.
她脸上蛋白酥皮的面具看上去很怪诞,一点都不搞笑,她的嘴通过白沫说出话来似乎使她完全成了另类的生物,像个木偶,或一条鱼。 yeeyan

The signature item is the chef's floating island a meringue sitting in custard sauce, but a small yogurt parfait with bits of crumble at the bottom made for the perfect end- of- meal bite.
招牌甜点是大厨亲手料理的“浮岛”(佐有蛋奶沙司的蛋白酥皮饼,那种下面有少许金宝饼的小杯优酪乳冻糕也堪称完美的餐后甜点。 hao360

When she pulled off the tin, meringue clung to her skin like blown snow.
她把那层锡纸揭下的时候,蛋白酥皮黏附在她的皮肤上,像膨胀的雪花。 yeeyan

A large meringue is heaped all over the ice cream, sealing it off from oven heat.
把厚厚的一层蛋白酥皮浇在冰淇淋上面,使之与烤箱中的温度隔绝。 edu.sina.com.cn

Few lofts today have a sewing room, and none have ceiling plaster whipped like meringue.
现在很少有阁楼还带着缝纫室,而且都没有像玛琳的石膏天花板。 yeeyan

I never had bridezilla fantasies of white meringue dresses and marquees.
我从未幻想过穿上白色的结婚礼服和满是奢华的场景。 yeeyan

I saw the lemon meringue of her skin, the long bone of her arm as she reached down to clip her toenails.
我看到了她皮肤上沾着的柠檬蛋白,当她弯下身去剪脚趾甲时她长长的瘦骨嶙峋的手臂。 yeeyan

In North Carolina, health officials reported a cluster of illnesses that stemmed from meringue pie, made with whipped egg whites.
在北卡罗来纳州,卫生部官员已经报告了一批因为食用了用蛋清制作的酥皮馅饼而患病的病人。 putclub

Lizette reached out to the misty tree and plucked a misty gold apple. It felt very light in her hand, and biting it was like biting a meringue pastry.
莉莎特爬到树上,摘下一个云雾般的金苹果,拿在手中很轻,咬在嘴里像是蛋白糖饼。 yeeyan

Long hair flying over her head, bits of meringue dropping on the porch, she took a dramatic bow.
长发飘过她的头顶,有点蛋白酥皮掉在门廊里,她喜剧性地鞠了一躬。 yeeyan

That includes eggs served sunny- side up as well as raw eggs used in preparation of hollandaise sauce, meringue, Caesar salad dressing, and the like.
这些食品包括只煎一面的鸡蛋以及用生鸡蛋制作的酱油、蛋白、凯撒大帝沙拉酱等。 yeeyan

That place you work, do they have homemade lemon meringue pie there?
你工作的那个地方有没有手工制柠檬酥皮派? engxue.com

There’s the obvious uses like hot tea with lemon juice to soothe a sore throat, and of course lemon meringue pie, YUM!
它的用途显而易见,我们知道一杯加入柠檬汁的热茶能缓解咽喉疼痛,当然,还有那无比美味的甜点--柠檬糖霜派。 yeeyan

This time they've descended on my picnic and infested my lemon meringue pie!
这一次它们突袭了我的野餐,大肆出没我的柠檬馅饼! edu.sina.com.cn

We do not use meringue powder or pasteurized egg white powder because of the aluminum content.
因为我们不使用的铝含量酥皮鸡蛋粉或经消毒的白色粉末。 etsy




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