释义 |
Meridian Gate 基本例句 午门 TheMeridian Gateas viewed from inside the Forbidden City.从紫禁城内望午门。 TheMeridian Gateof the Forbidden City is the place where the death penalty was executed.午门是古代执行大刑的地方。 Each of the four sides is pierced by a gate, theMeridian Gateon the south and the Gate of Spiritual Valour on the north being used as the entrance and exit by tourists today.城墙四面各设城门一座,其中南面的午门和北面的神武门现专供参观者游览出入。 Walk straight ahead northwards until you reach theMeridian Gateof the Forbidden City where you can buy your entrance ticket.一直朝北走直到你到达紫禁城的午门,在那你可以买到进去的门票。 With regard to the “introduction of theMeridian Gatedecapitation” is a kind of, then lodge their dissatisfaction is another.关于“推出午门斩首”是一种,另外一种就是告御状。 Each of the four sides is pierced by a gate,theMeridian Gateon the south and the Gate of Spiritual Valour on the north being used as the entrance and exit by tourists today.城墙四面各设城门一座,其中南面的午门和北面的神武门现专供参观者游览出入。 |