

单词 merge with
释义 merge with短语¹⁷²³⁰
The company's decisions to reduce capital, merge with another company, establish a separate company, disband, and apply for bankruptcy;
公司减资、合并、分立、解散及申请破产的决定; ebigear

The Wall follows the contour of mountains that rise one behind the other until they finally fade and merge with distant haze.
隔离墙如下山的轮廓是上升一前一后,直到他们最终消失,合并远处烟雾。 blog.sina.com.cn

Its plans to merge with Morgan Stanley’s Japanese unit were also scaled back.
其计划于摩根士丹利旗下的日本公司的合并也受到缩减。 ecocn

Over the past year, he has watched two of the three firms he worked for either collapse or merge with others as a result of the credit crunch.
在过去的10几年中,他看到了他工作过的3家公司中的两家由于信用扫地而导致倒闭或被合并。 yeeyan

Supernatural happenings and miracles merge with metaphysics, as well, and are usually classified under the subject.
同样,超自然的偶然事件和奇迹可以合并进玄学,通常也可以把它们划归在玄学的命题之下。 yeeyan




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