

单词 mercure
释义 mer·cu·ry 英'mɜːkjəri美'mɜːrkjəri COCA⁹⁰⁹⁵¹BNC¹¹⁴⁰²⁴⁺


a heavy silver-white metal that is a simple substance, is liquid at ordinary temperatures,and is used in thermometers,barometers,etc.

a heavy silvery toxic univalent and bivalent metallic element; the only metal that is liquid at ordinary temperaturesRoman mythology messenger of Jupiter and god of commerce; counterpart of Greek Hermesthe smallest planet and the nearest to the suntemperature measured by a mercury thermometer;

the mercury was falling rapidly

用作名词 n.
动词+~administer mercury处理水银have no mercury in sb某人不活泼inject mercury灌注水银~+名词mercury-vapor lamp水银灯~+介词mercury in a thermometer温度计里的水银柱
近义词 hydrargyrum汞quicksilver水银HG=Hand Genera…
用作名词n.The mercury rose today.温度计的水银柱今天上升了。
The mercury is falling quickly.温度急剧下降。
The mercury is rising.情绪好起来。
He has no mercury in him.他没精神。

mercury的意思是“水银”,因常用在温度计中,故引申为“温度”; mercury还有“活力,活泼,精神,元气”的意思。

Mercury is too dry and poor in oxygen.水星上面过于干燥,并且缺乏氧气。
He has no mercury in him.他没有精神。 For Mr Richardson, a former ballet critic, “ Mercure” was the most provocative of all Picasso's works for the stage and“ a major milestone of avant-garde theatre”.
理查森担任过芭蕾剧的评论员,对他来说,“信使传说”是毕加索所有舞台剧中最具异议的一部作品,而且也是“前卫剧院一个主要的里程碑”。 ecocn

Grand Mercure Hongqiao Shanghai is honorably nominated as World Luxury Hotel2010 by the prestigious World Luxury Hotel Awards committee.
近日上海虹桥美爵酒店被提名为2010年度世界奢华酒店。 www.grandhotels.com.cn

Grand Mercure Hongqiao Shanghai successfully held the press conference of “ Bitter Coffee” TV Play Series Booting Ceremony.
上海虹桥美爵酒店承办了《苦咖啡》上海开机仪式新闻发布会。 travel.gd.sina.com.cn

Grand Mercure Hongqiao Shanghai successfully hosted the first MTG China Freight Wholesaler Summit.
上海虹桥美爵酒店于近日成功举办首届中国庄家峰会。 www.grandhotels.com.cn

Researcher Evelyne Mercure said it was rare to see such specialised brain regions so early in life.
研究人员伊芙林•梅库尔说,这么小的孩子就有了专用的大脑区域,实在很罕见。 voanews

The group has around4,100 hotels in90 countries and includes the Novotel, Sofitel, Grand Mercure and Ibis brands spanning the top- range through to budget accommodation.
雅高集团在全球90个国家有4100家酒店,其中包括 Novotel、 Sofitel、 Grand Mercure和 Ibis品牌,横跨高端酒店和经济型酒店。 yeeyan

The party lasted into the10 PM hour and featured a host of“ upbeat” music, Mercure told the magazine.
婚礼派对一直延续到晚上10点,始终有欢快的音乐相伴。 yeshj

The pursuit of high quality and design innovation, the creation of world-renowned brands Le Mercure is the pursuit of the ideal person.
追求品质卓越和设计创新,创造世界知名品牌是我们美居乐人追求的理想。 www.178good.com

“ For some, business center is just another hotel section that adds up costs; in Grand Mercure Hongqiao, nothing else makes us happier if our guests can experience our streamline services” says Mr.
对于有些酒店来说,商务中心只是一个增加运营成本的部门,但对于虹桥美爵酒店,没有什么能比为顾客提供优质便捷的服务更让我们快乐的事了。 www.grandhotels.com.cn

Mercure Hydro Majestic, managed by the well known“ Accor Hospitality” worldwide group, is the only international brand hotel in Kunming.
云南海德马佳仕大酒店由著名的法国雅高国际酒店管理集团管理,是昆明唯一的国际品牌酒店。 cncn

An added reason may have been that the count was an important patron of the ballet, commissioning “ Mercure” from Picasso, Erik Satie, the composer, and Léonide Massine, the choreographer, in1924.
另外一个原因可能是,伯爵是其芭蕾舞剧一个重要的资助人,并在1924年得到了毕加索、作曲家埃里克•萨蒂 Erik Satie与舞蹈指导与莱奥尼达•马辛Léonide Massine委托着手开始“信使传说 Mercure”的准备。 ecocn

At present, Le Mercure has a huge, professional design team, pattern design, style design, display design, graphic design and design space five design teams total more than 60 professional designers.
目前,美居乐拥有庞大、专业的设计队伍,花样设计、款式设计、陈列设计、平面设计以及空间设计五大设计小组共计60多位专业设计师。 www.178good.com

Grand Mercure, the specialized hotel and apartment brand under Accor Group in the Asia Pacific region, has been renowned for its distinctive style and character.
美爵是雅高集团亚太区的专业酒店及酒店公寓品牌,以其独一无二的风格和个性而著称。 www.grandhotels.com.cn

Grand Mercure Hongqiao Shanghai is back to Shanghai French Week with a superb French Semi Buffet and pride!
上海虹桥美爵酒店隆重推出法式自助大餐,再次与您相约上海法国周活动。 www.grandhotels.com.cn

Grand Mercure Hongqiao Shanghai recently hosted the Heineken2010 GM Conference.
上海虹桥美爵酒店于近日成功举办了喜力啤酒2010年总经理会议。 www.grandhotels.com.cn

Grand Mercure Hongqiao Shanghai was first nominated by one of the guests. Voting is cast by a selected panel of50 leading tour operators& travel industry consultants.
上海虹桥美爵酒店此次获得世界奢华酒店的提名是由一位参评客人提议并从50位顶级旅游承办商及旅游顾问中投票选举产生。 www.grandhotels.com.cn

Mr. Benoit Amado, General Manager of Grand Mercure Hongqiao Shanghai, was honored to attend the Booting Ceremony of the TV Play.
上海虹桥美爵酒店总经理阿莫多先生应邀参加了《苦咖啡》的开机仪式。 travel.gd.sina.com.cn

My faith in Accor properties has been restored by this property after our dreadful stay at the Grand Mercure Darling Harbour, Sydney.
在我们的悉尼达令港美爵酒店的令人讨厌的停留之后,我对雅高产业的信心已经因这个酒店而得到了恢复。 img9.vikecn.com

Photo shows the booth of French Cuisine present by Grand Mercure Hongqiao Shanghai and Pullman Shanghai Skyway.
图为上海虹桥美爵酒店与上海斯格威铂尔曼大酒店的美食展台。 www.grandhotels.com.cn

Photo showed Mr. Benoit AmadoL1, General Manager of Grand Mercure Hongqiao Shanghai, and the team pictured in front of the hotel booth.
图为上海虹桥美爵酒店总经理阿莫多先生左一与酒店员工在展台前留影。 www.grandhotels.com.cn

Picture shows Mr. Benoit Amado left three, General Manager of Grand Mercure Hongqiao Shanghai, is encouraging the disabled staffs to continue their hard work and takes photos with them.
图为虹桥美爵总经理阿莫多先生左三鼓励残疾员工努力工作,并与她们合影留念。 www.grandhotels.com.cn

Picture shows Mr. Benoit Amado left two, General Manager of Grand Mercure Hongqiao Shanghai, is receiving the medal from the leader of Shanghai Changning Comprehensive Management Committee.
图为上海虹桥美爵酒店总经理阿莫多先生左二,与授予酒店荣誉奖牌及证书的仙霞街道和派出所领导合影留念。 www.grandhotels.com.cn

With this value-added service, Grand Mercure Hongqiao is now every inch your home away from home!
有了这一增值享受,虹桥美爵酒店将成为您不折不扣的家外之家! www.grandhotels.com.cn

Your general form is seen constant by the influences of the Sun, Mars, Mercure and Venus joined together.
你通常被看作是受太阳和火星的影响,同时水星与金星也会参与其中。 www.360doc.com

Mercure is the urban getaway destination with a difference.
美居是一个与众不同的城市港湾。 www.512ms.com

Mercure Suzhou Park Hotel& Suites is the ideal choice for your meeting or social occasion in Suzhou.
苏州商旅美居酒店是您举办会议和社交活动的理想选择。 www.512ms.com




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