

单词 merchant ship
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a cargo ship;

they did much of their overseas trade in foreign bottoms

近义词 bottom底部freighter货船merchantman 商船
用作名词Thismerchant shipwas convoyed by a destroyer.这只商船由一艘驱逐舰护航。
His brother is in the merchant marine.他的兄弟是名商船船员。 The Endeavour was not a warship but an old merchant ship, just like the one on which Cook had learnt his seamanship.
“奋力”号并不是一艘战舰,而是一艘旧商船,就像库克过去学航海技术时乘过的那艘船一样。 edu.sina.com.cn

The Chinese naval vessel Haikou rescued an Italian merchant ship from pirates in the Gulf of Aden Tuesday, Xinhua reported.
据新华社报道,正在亚丁湾海域执行护航任务的中国海军编队“海口”舰,于24日成功营救一艘利比里亚籍意大利商船。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

The Endeavor was not a warship but an old merchant ship, just like the one on which Cook had learnt his seamanship.
“奋力”号不是一艘战舰,而是一艘旧商船,就像库克过去学航海技术时乘过的那艘船一样。 teachercn

The hijacking of the Alabama is believed the first pirate attack on an American- flagged merchant ship in200 years.
阿拉巴马被看做200年来第一艘被劫的美国船只。 yeeyan

A superstructure at the bow of a merchant ship where the crew is housed.
一个在商船上管理其它海员工作的海军士官。 http://www.hotdic.com

A good example is the Chinese merchant ship just raised from the sea off Yangjiang, Guangdong province, under the supervision of archaeologists from Sun Yat-sen University.
一个很好的例子就是人们在广东阳江发现了一艘商船,这是在中山大学的考古学家的监督下发现的。 en400

A lookout spotted what appeared to be an innocent merchant ship.
一名瞭望哨发现一艘看似合法的商船。 yeeyan

A missing merchant ship with15 Russian crew members on board has been spotted off the coast of West Africa, unconfirmed reports say.
未经证实的报道称,一艘消失的载有15名俄国船员的商船在西非海域被发现。 enread

Greek merchant ship is making for the Panama Canal.
一艘希腊商船正向巴拿马运河驶去。 hotdic

I've signed on a merchant ship so that I can work my passage to Australia.
我已受雇于一条商船,这样我能以做工抵作船费去澳大利亚了。 http://www.hotdic.com

In 1715, the first Belgian merchant ship set out a voyage to China from the Port of Ostend. Years later, the ship returned fully loaded with silk and spices.
1715年,比利时第一艘驶向中国的货船离开奥斯坦德港,并在几年之后满载丝绸和香料而归。 www.fmprc.gov.cn

In 1839,53 African slaves being transported on the Spanish merchant ship La Amistad revolted against their captors.
1839年,西班牙商船爱米斯塔特号运送的53名非洲奴隶发起了反抗掠奴者的暴动。 yeeyan

It is believed to have been a merchant ship built in the Southern Song Dynasty1127-1279.
专家认为这是一艘建于南宋时期1127-1279的商船。 blog.sina.com.cn

It was a merchant ship and used for travels to Batavia.

Russia said that it had found a hijacked merchant ship that had gone missing in the Baltic Sea on July30th en route to Algeria.
俄罗斯说它发现一艘被劫持的商船驶向阿尔及利亚的途中在7月30号消失于波罗的海。 ecocn

The buccaneers became so strong that the merchant ship captains insisted that their countries put a stop to the pirates.
这些海盗变得很强悍,于是商船的船长们坚持认为他们的国家应该制止海盗。 yeeyan

This Australian cruiser was lost with all645 of its officers and crew as a result of its battle in 1941 against the German cruiser Kormoran, which was disguised as a Dutch merchant ship.
在神秘的英国,澳大利亚悉尼船终于得到解决。这是澳大利亚巡洋舰645失去了所有管理人员和船员,结果在其1941年的战斗对德国巡洋舰鸬鹚,这是伪装成荷兰商船。 en400

This is a merchant ship of5,000 tons.
这是一条五千吨的商船。 hjenglish

Thursday's incident started when the USS Vella Gulf received a distress call from the Indian merchant ship, Premdivya.
星期四一艘遇险的印度商船来电向美国军舰“维拉湾”求援。 voanews

Usually I sign onto a merchant ship. But this time I wanted to try something new. I planned to join a whaling ship's crew.
通常我会签约登上商船,不过这次我想尝试一点新鲜感。我打算成为一条捕鲸船的船员。 ycwb




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