

单词 merchandisers
释义 merchandisers ˈmə:tʃəndaizəz COCA⁵⁵⁷¹⁰BNC⁶⁹⁶⁷⁶
n.商人merchandiser的名词复数原型merchandiser的复数 The mass merchandisers run a large“ con” from the Hawaiian Ancestor's point of view.
从夏威夷祖先的观点来看,大众商人运作着一个巨大的“骗局”。 www.360doc.com

The project also promotes a “ green franchise” policy to support merchandisers who offer discounts to those commuting by bike.
同时还要推进“绿色加盟店”制度,对骑自行车顾客实施优惠。 www.59edu.com

All of this leads to the increased cost of living over time as the merchandisers must raise the cost of their products or services to cover the high expenditures going to the credit industry.
所有这一切都随时间带来了生活费用的上涨,因为商人必须将商品或服务涨价,来弥补交给信用行业的高支出。 www.360doc.com

Because of their production activities, accounting for manufacturers is more complex than accounting for service business and merchandisers.
对这种生产活动的会计核算要比服务业或商业公司复杂得多。 jukuu

I think merchandisers should be more focused on the actual product development.
我认为跟单更多关注于实际生产产品研发上。 cswp.92doc.com

The mass merchandisers are really good at creating artificial need, and the dream for the need is pressed into the masses through the media and television commercials and infomercials.
大众商人都非常擅长于制造虚假需求,而这些虚假需求的梦想,被通过媒体、电视商业和信息而加载到大众身上。 www.360doc.com

We also have National Merchandising coverage of more than 5000 store level employees, with28000 merchandisers in our database, going into retailers on a daily basis.
我们也有全国5000多商店层次员工的采购范围,与28000在我们的数据库销售商,零售商到会每天。 zhidao20091221x33407.24365pt.com

Merchandisers were seeking ways to precondition the customers to buy their products.




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