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释义 MEPSCOCA²⁵⁴³³⁷⁺BNC³⁰⁴⁰⁴
医磁刺激运动诱发电位=motor evoked potentials by magnetic stimulation;motor evoked potentials by magnetic stimulation
A service can have many types of MEPs: one-way, publish- subscribe, or request- response.
服务可以具有很多类型的 MEP:单向、发布-订阅或请求-响应方式。 ibm

And in the European elections last year, for the first time, the party gained two MEPs one of them Mr Griffin, attracting 6.2% of the popular vote across the country.
去年的欧洲议会选举,该党首次出现2个欧洲议会会员其中之一为格里芬,获得了全国6.2%的普选投票。 ecocn

A senior commission official accuses MEPs of living in a federalist fantasy, in which they are the parliament of a “ unitary state” that is the equal of the27 national governments of the EU.

Although the proposed directive has just been approved in draft by MEPs, it is still some years from becoming law.
虽然欧洲议会刚刚通过这项监管条例的草案,但是将其变成法律仍需数年。 ecocn

Are some of these MEPs not necessary?
是否某些消息交换模式不是必须的? infoq

But most MEPs, especially on the centre-right, want the new group to fall apart and are hoping to pick them off one by one.
但大多数欧洲议员,尤其是右派,希望这个新的集团能解体,并希望一个一个将其成员清除。 ecocn

Centre-left parties did so badly that it is easy for centre-right MEPs and liberals to muster a simple majority on their own most of the time.
左派在这方面做的很糟糕,因而使得右派议员和中间派大多时候很容易就能自己召集到简单多数。 topsage

Depending on your politics, this sort of thing either makes MEPs unsung champions of the European spirit, or makes a mockery of their claims to democratic accountability.
从政治角度看,这样的事情不是使得议员们成为拥护欧洲精神的无名英雄,就是对他们所谓民主责任的一大讽刺。 ecocn

In Europe no such partisan democratic body exists the European Parliament is more remote from voters and less powerful than Congress, and MEPs live in a warm bath of mushy conventional wisdom.
在欧洲,没有这样一种党派性质的组织欧洲议会通常与选民的距离更远,而且在权力上也没有国会大。 另外,欧洲议会的选民们都生活在一个传统模糊的选举观念的温床里。 ecocn

In some ways, direct elections were a mistake before 1979 MEPs were selected from national parliaments.
在某种程度上,直接选举是一个错误1979年前欧洲议会议员从各国议会中选出。 ecocn

Instead the Tory MEPs now form the core of a cobbled-together new group, the European Conservatives and Reformists ECR.
相反,现在保守党欧洲议会议员形成了一个拼凑的新集团欧洲保守派与改革派 ECR的核心。 ecocn

Left-wing MEPs argue that, because governments are proving such callous cutters, it is up to Europe to save jobs.
左翼欧盟议员强调,既然各国政府在执行严格的紧缩政策,那么就应轮到欧洲去保护就业; ecocn

Of the group’s12 MEPs elected at the last Euro- election, one was subsequently jailed for fraud and another has been charged with false accounting and money launderingwhich he denies.
欧洲选举最终选出的独立党12名议员中,有一人随后被判诈骗入狱,还有一人被指控作假帐和洗钱但他否认这些指控。 ecocn

On May 5th MEPs, suddenly disgusted by the cruelty of people far away hunting seals, voted to endorse a ban on the trade of seal products, most of which come from Canada.
在5月5日,欧洲议会议员们突然对远方的人们猎杀海豹时的残酷感到厌恶,投票支持一项对海豹制品的贸易禁令,这些海豹制品多数来自于加拿大。 ecocn

Perhaps it is. Yet among the proposals that MEPs will vote for is a doubling of entertainment expenses for the parliament’s president.
或许这样说是对的,然而在欧盟议员们即将投票的提案中,有一项是将议会主席的娱乐费用提高一倍。 ecocn

Seal- murdering foreigners are a soft target and animal- welfare groups have been lobbying MEPs for years.
捕猎海豹的外国人是个软标靶,动物福利组织游说议员也已有多年。 ecocn

The biggest and grandest building is the European Parliament, where MEPs talk a lot about foreign policy but have little clout.
最宏伟大气的建筑就是欧洲议会了。议会成员对外交谈论的很多,影响力却少之又少。 ecocn

The European Parliament has prohibited the use of the terms“ Mrs” and “ Miss” in case they upset female MEPs.

The children had to compete with MEPs from the United Kingdom Independence Party, who started singing“God Save the Queen”.
合唱的孩子们得和来自英国独立党的欧洲议员们一争高下,他们唱的是《天佑女王》。 ecocn

This line has served MEPs well.
这个路线对欧洲议员们很适用。 ecocn

Unless Mr Rama and Mr Berisha resolve the issue, the MEPs said, they would recommend the suspension of Albania’s bid.
议员们表示,除非拉马和贝里沙先生能够解决眼下的问题,否则他们将终止阿尔巴尼亚的申请。 ecocn

What is your meta model for service interfaces and which MEPs do you provide?
你的服务接口元模型是什么,你提供哪些 MEP消息交换模式? infoq

Yet only a fortnight later, MEPs appeared set on showing that the parliament is a world unto itself.
然而就在两周以后,欧洲议员们又开始表现出好像欧洲议会是一个独立的世界。 topsage

MEPs divide themselves among the committees, and each of the political groups has at least one expert policy adviserwho is not an elected politician.
委员们分成几个委员会,每个政治团体至少配备一个专家政策顾问不是选举出来的政客。 yeeyan

MEPs generally attract little attention but once every five years they get the chance to grill nominees for the commission.
欧洲议会会员大多不能引起人们的太多关注,但是每五年,他们就有一次机会去拷问委员会的提名人选。 ecocn

MEPs insisted on a package without wiggle room.
议员们坚持没有回旋余地的一揽子计划。 yeeyan




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