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词汇 Mephistopheles
释义 Mephistopheles

evil spirit to whom Faust sold his soul来自德国传说中的恶魔,引诱浮士德把灵魂卖给他以换取物质的满足。该词本身可能来自希伯来语mephitz,毁灭者,tophel,撒谎者,骗子,字面意思即骗子的毁灭者或骗王,用于指魔鬼。见歌德歌剧《浮士德》。M stands forMephistopheles. That is who he imitates.代表是地狱恶魔。他所模仿的对象。
Mephistophelesis both the producer of social crime and the revealer of it.他既是社会罪恶的制造者,同时也是社会罪恶的揭露者。
Everything is black in it, and every one appeared to haveMephistopheles' character.在这剧本里,一切都是黑暗的,而且所有人都表现出恶魔Mephistopheles的性格。
Please don't imagine those I've so less taste as to try to useMephistophelesto commend myself to you and grace the role of pawnbroker.请您无所不能设想我的情趣是那么低下,想粉饰我当铺老总的角色,在您面前装成是米菲斯托菲尔。
Please don't imagine that I've so little taste as to try to useMephistophelesto commend myself to you and grace the role of pawnbroker.请您不要设想我的情趣是那么低下,想粉饰我当铺老板的角色,在您面前装成是米菲斯托菲尔。
This position was so awful that I can't understand how she could laugh as she had done that day and feel interest in the words ofMephistopheles, when she was in such horrible straits.那个底细是非常可怕的,我不明白她在那样可怕的境况之中,怎么还能像刚才那样发笑,还能有兴趣打听米菲斯托菲尔的话。as in.devil
同义词 Beelzebub,Lucifer,Satan,adversary,dastard,djinn,fiend,genie,hellion,imp,monster,ogre,rogue,villainPrince of Darkness,archfiend,beast,common enemy,diablo,dybbuk,enfant terrible,evil one,the Erinyes,the dickens
反义词 angel,godas in.fiend
同义词 barbarian,ogrebeast,brute,demon,devil,hellion,imp,monster,Satan,serpent,trolldiablo,evil spirit,little devil
反义词 angel,godas in.Lucifer
同义词 Satanarchangel,beast,Beelzebub,the devil,Prince of Darknessdiablo,evil one,fallen angelas in.Satan
同义词 Antichrist,Beelzebub,demon,luciferAngel of Darkness,Apollyon,Archfiend,Diabolus,King of Hell,Prince of Darkness,the Evil Spirit
反义词 Archfiend,Christ,demon,lucifer,Prince of Darkness,the Evil Spirit
Lucifernoun satan
Beelzebub,Prince of Darkness,Satan,archangel,beast,diablo,evil one,fallen angel,the devil
Satannoun the devil
Angel of Darkness,Antichrist,Apollyon,Archfiend,Beelzebub,Diabolus,King of Hell,Mephistopheles,Prince of Darkness,demon,lucifer,the Evil Spirit
devilnoun demon
Beelzebub,Lucifer,Mephistopheles,Prince of Darkness,Satan,adversary,archfiend,beast,common enemy,dastard,diablo,djinn,dybbuk,enfant terrible,evil one,fiend,genie,hellion,imp,monster,ogre,rogue,the Erinyes,the dickens,villain
fiendnoun dastardly person
Mephistopheles,Satan,barbarian,beast,brute,demon,devil,diablo,evil spirit,hellion,imp,little devil,monster,ogre,serpent,troll“ After all, ” he heard one of the younger men begin behind him everybody talked through the Mephistopheles- and- Martha scenes, “ after all, just WHAT happened?”
“究竟——”他听到身后一个年轻人开口说在靡菲斯特与玛莎的几场戏中,大家自始至终都在交谈,“究竟发生了什么事?” kekenet

Certainly the allusion to Faustus' compact with Mephistopheles casts a lurid light over Frost's use of the verb“ possess.”

Mephistopheles is the diabolical aspect of every psychic function that has broken loose from the hierarchy of the total psyche and now enjoys independence and absolute power.




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