

单词 meowing
释义 me·ow·ing 英mi'aʊ美mi'aʊ COCA⁹¹³⁹⁵BNC¹²⁶⁴¹⁶⁺
the sound made by a cat or any sound resembling this
cry like a cat;

the cat meowed

miaow猫叫声the cat's meow正是需要的东西…
近义词 cry哭miaou喵yowl号叫howl长嚎wail痛哭whine闹声whimper呜咽screech尖叫miaow猫叫声miaul猫的叫声mew喵猫叫声…caterwaul猫叫春声purr猫等满足地呜呜叫…

用作名词First,Peter thought he heard themeowof one little kitten.开始,皮特想他听到了一只小猫的叫声。用作动词I will not teach the parrot tomeowin a loud and raucous manner.我才不会去教鹦鹉学猫语呢,它们只会将高贵的猫语变成又高又嘶哑的鸟语。as in.cry
同义词 bark,cheer,exclaim,growl,grunt,holler,howl,scream,shout,shriek,whoop,yellbawl,bay,bellow,bleat,cackle,call,caw,chatter,clack,clamor,cluck,croak,crow,ejaculate,gabble,hail,hiss,hoot,low,meow,moo,nicker,pipe,quack,roar,screech,snarl,squawk,trill,tweet,twitter,vociferate,whinny,whistle,yawp,yelpholler out,sing out
反义词 be quiet A skinny little kitchen I heard meowing outside the house.
我听到在房子的外面猫叫的一个薄的小厨房。 wetravelworld

I heard some meowing, and Dis- covered another kitten under the deck. So I scooped them both up into a box that would be their temporary home.
我听到一阵喵喵叫,发现平台底下还有一只小猫。我就把这两只猫拾起,放在一个盒子里,作为它们临时的家。 ebigear

Jake heard the meowing and immediately began to salivate. And drool. And pant.
杰克听到喵喵叫声后,立即开始分泌唾液,口水流出嘴巴,气喘吁吁。 www.hkc.edu.cn

Most families tolerate or even welcome his presence, though Oscar becomes upset if forced out of the room of a dying patient, meowing outside the door.
大多数病人家属都是容许或是乐于接受奥斯卡的出现,但如果奥斯卡被赶出垂死病人门外的话,它会徘徊在门外喵喵叫. yeeyan

Other signs can include meowing, growling, skin twitching, and cessation of purring.
还可能的信号有:发出喵声,咆哮,皮肤抽搐和停止了满足时呜呜叫。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn




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