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词汇 mentions
释义 men·tion·s 英'menʃn美'menʃn COCA¹³⁶⁰⁰BNC¹¹⁷⁸³Economist⁹⁶³²
vt. 提到,说起

tell about sth in a few words, without giving details


a short remark about sth or naming of sb

a remark that calls attention to something or someone;

she made frequent mention of her promotion

there was no mention of it

the speaker made several references to his wife

a short note recognizing a source of information or of a quoted passage;

the student's essay failed to list several important citations

the acknowledgments are usually printed at the front of a book

the article includes mention of similar clinical cases

an official recognition of merit;

although he didn't win the prize he did get special mention

make reference to;

His name was mentioned in connection with the invention

make mention of;

She observed that his presentation took up too much time

They noted that it was a fine day to go sailing


he was cited for his outstanding achievements


❌ He didn't mention of your suggestion.

✔️ He didn't mention your suggestion.


not to mention, let alone

这两者都可用如连词,其区别仅在于:not to mention后只接名词短语,而let alone后可接任何词。另外, let alone只用于非正式语体中,且多用于否定句。例如:

I had never seen him, let alone spoken to him.我从未见过他,更不用说与他交谈了。not to mention, not to say


I don't know English, not to mention French.我连英语都不懂,更别说法语了。


It is warm today, not to say hot.今天虽说不上多么热,可也够暖和了。


用作动词 v.
~+名词mention a book提到一本书mention a few examples举几个例子mention intention提到意图mention matter提到事情mention real purpose提到真正的目的mention sb's name提到某人的名字mention the children提到孩子们mention the mistakes提出错误mention the problem提出问题~+副词mention blindly盲目地提到mention casually偶尔提到mention cautiously谨慎地提到mention completely完全提到mention dejectedly沮丧地提到mention delightful愉快地提到mention despairingly绝望地提到mention determinedly坚定地提到mention dramatically戏剧化地提到mention eventually最终提到mention generously慷慨地提到mention gladly高兴地提到mention immediately立即提到mention incessantly持续不断地提到mention incidentally随便提及mention individually逐个提到mention intelligently聪明地提到mention modestly羞怯地谈起mention partially部分提到mention reasonably合理地提到mention regretfully遗憾地提到mention reluctantly不情愿地提到mention secretly秘密地说起mention simultaneously暂时提到mention slyly偷偷摸摸地说起mention strongly强烈地提到mention superficially表面上提到mention temporarily暂时提到mention unsuitably不合适地提到mention voluntarily自愿提到~+介词mention sb by name指名道姓mention in在…中提到〔写到〕,提名表扬mention to向…提及用作名词 n.动词+~claim mention值得提起deserve mention值得一提give mention to对…提到make mention of提到receive mention被提及形容词+~bare mention勉强提及brief mention简单地提及detailed mention详细地叙述frequent mention常提及honorable mention提名表扬particular mention特别提及special mention特别提及the first mention of第一次提到…介词+~at the mention of一提及…就beneath mention不值得一提without a mention of没有提及
mention in v.+prep.

提名表扬 receive an honourable mention of one's names official papers

mention to v.+prep.

对某人谈〔提〕起 speak about (sb/sth to sb)

mention sb/sth to sbMy friend has often mentioned you to me.我的朋友常常向我提起你。
Have I mentioned my holiday plan to you?我向你讲过我的假期安排了吗?
He felt it his duty to mention this fact to them.他感到有责任向他们提及这一情况。mention to sb that/wh-clauseI mentioned to Facer that I was thinking of going back to work.我对费塞谈起过,我正考虑回去工作。
You didn't mention to me when you are leaving.你没有告诉我何时动身。not to mention

更不用说 in addition there is

用作名词 the mention of

一提到… referring to sth

近义词 referremarkv. introduceton. reference
S+~+ n./pron.He mentioned them by name.他举出了他们的名字。
Before closing I want to mention all those who contributed so generously.在我结束讲话的时候,我想提一下所有慷慨捐赠的人。
Don't mention this problem this evening.今晚别提这个问题。
Can you mention one of the mistakes off hand?你能马上指出其中一个错误吗?
Nobody mentioned the real purpose of this meeting.谁也没有提到这次会议的真正目的。
From now on no one is to mention that slip of paper.以后,谁也不准提到这张纸条的事情。
He did not want to mention the painful past.他不愿意提起过去的伤心事。
Haas decided not to mention his cold.哈斯决定不提他患了感冒。
I had enough presence of mind not to mention my intention.我镇定自若,没有说起我的意图。
There were four of us there, without mentioning the child.那儿有我们4个人,还不算那个孩子。
They have two dogs to find a home for, without mentioning the cat and the bird.得为两条狗找个家,此外尚有猫和鸟。
He is being mentioned for the place.他正被提名为本职位的候补人。
It is mentioned on page 20.它在20页被提到。S+~+ v -ingEvery time I mentioned taking a swim in the lake he would make a face.每当我提起下湖去游泳,他总露出不赞成的表情。
You mentioned having been in hospital last year.你说过去年你住过医院。
He did not mention having been on the spot.他没说他当时在场。
Jeromy mentioned having seen me on TV the previous evening.杰罗米说起前一天晚上他在电视上看到过我。S+~+that-clauseShe mentioned that she had glanced through it.她说她曾粗略看过一遍。
You never even mentioned that your wife had had the baby!你从来没有提起过你的妻子生了那个孩子!
Tom mentions that he often sees her in the library.汤姆说他经常在图书馆看到她。S+~+wh-clauseDid he mention when he would marry?他说过他什么时候结婚了吗?
She forgot to mention where we should meet.她忘了说我们该在何处会面。
Her mother had mentioned how colorful the yard was, now that spring had arrived.她母亲提到由于春天已经来到,院子里已是五彩缤纷,非常美丽。
Don't mention what happened last week, it could bring him out in a temper.别提起上周发生的事,那会使他发脾气的。
S+~+ n./pron. +as n.They mentioned you as a good source of information.他们说你消息灵通。其他v -ed as o-Compl.He often heard his name mentioned.他常常听见别人提到他的名字。用作名词n.As he has not done much, he is beneath mention.他没有做多少事,不值得提到他。
The actor's wedding got a mention on television.电视上报道了这位男演员的婚礼。
Did the concert get a mention in the paper?报纸上报道了这次音乐会吗?
At the age of 67, he had earned another mention in the despatches.他67岁时又在一次战报中受到表扬。~+of n./pron./v -ingBy tacit agreement,Clark's friends all avoided any mention of his mentally ill wife.克拉克的朋友们心照不宣,绝口不提他那位患精神病的妻子。
The first mention of the discovery appeared in an article last year.去年的一篇文章首次提及这项发现。
He made no mention of your request.他没有提到你的要求。
Today's newspaper made a special mention of his contributions in science.今天的报纸特别提到他对科学作出的贡献。
The communique made no mention of progress on any of the issues.公报只字不提这些问题中哪个问题取得了进展。
No mention was made of her illness.她的病情没有提到。
He made no mention of having seen her.他不提他曾经见过她。




mention不可用于mention sb sth 结构,“对…提起…”可以说mention sb/sth to sb 或mention to sb that/wh-clause结构。

not to mention可用如连词,其后只接名词短语。






He mentions hearing from her often.他提到经常有她的信儿。

因为mention既是名词也是动词,所以在表示“值得一提”时,短语worth mention和worth mentioning都正确。

用作及物动词Speaking of Macao, it is necessary tomentionlotus flowers.说到澳门,就不得不提到莲花了。
Paul is highly intelligent, not tomentiongood-looking and rich.保罗学识渊博,更不用说他还英俊富有呢!用作名词He made nomentionof having met her.他不提他曾经和她见面。
She blushed at thementionof her love's name .她因说到她情人的名字而脸红。noun.referral, observation
同义词 acknowledgment,comment,footnote,indication,notice,notification,recognition,reference,remark,utteranceallusion,citation,naming,note,specifying,tribute
反义词 ignorance,silencequietverb.refer to
同义词 disclose,reveal,notice,bring up,name,acknowledge,suggest,recount,detail,introduce,discuss,report,quote,declare,tell,point out,cite,specifyadduce,remark,acquaint,intimate,enumerate,communicate,divulge,broach,advert,instance,state,observe,notify,impart,infer,designatethrow outallude to,touch on,speak ofcall attention to,hint at,make known,point to,speak about
反义词 keep,neglect,hold back,disavow,ignore,suppress,withhold,hide,conceal Agile clearly mentions the value of people and their craftsmanship.
敏捷明确地提到人的价值和他们的技术。 infoq

As soon as she mentions the word“ overqualified,” politely ask for more details.
只要她提到“条件太高”这个词,礼貌的询问更多的细节。 kekenet

ASK John Chambers, the boss of Cisco, about the formative experience of his business life and he mentions his time at Wang Laboratories.
有人问思科老板约翰•钱伯斯,什么经历影响了他的商务生涯,他提到在王安实验室的日子。 ecocn

Besides the stress, Weitzer mentions other challenges for the college student hoping to leave sex work behind and eventually assume a nine-to-five gig.
除了压力,维兹尔提到,对于那些希望脱离性服务工作,加入“朝九晚五”一族的大学生来说,还有其他挑战。 yeeyan

But there are important aspects of the modern American cancer world that he scarcely mentions.
但是对于现代美国癌症界的许多重要方面他却鲜有提及。 yeeyan

Even if no teacher or parent mentions race, kids will use skin color on their own, the same way they use T- shirt colors.
即使老师或父母不提到肤色,儿童也将用到他们自己的肤色,同他们会用到 T型衫的颜色一样。 yeeyan

For, as we walk out, Mellon mentions she would like to write a book.

For that question, he'll run a search for all mentions of“ flossing,” and sort those results by ethnicity.
对于这个问题,他会搜索所有提及“牙线清洁”的数据条目,并对结果按种族进行排序。 yeeyan

He was held back a year and still winces if anyone mentions it.
他留级一年,如果有人提到这事他仍然畏畏缩缩。 yeeyan

He mentions an employee, who has a good office job at the resort but still yearns to work at the local paper mill, like his father and grandfather.
他提到一个雇员,该雇员在度假村有一间很好的办公室,但仍然渴望象自己的父亲和祖父那样在当地的造纸厂工作。 ecocn

If an entity is mentioned several times, each of the mentions references the same document entity.
如果多次提到一个实体,那么每次提到时都引用同一个文档实体。 ibm

Imagine looking at a beach scene, said Wang. A little later, someone mentions surfing, and the beach scene pops back into your head.
王维春说,想象一下你眼前出现了海滩,过一会儿,某个人说起冲浪,海滩的情景就一下子蹦回你的脑海。 yeeyan

Indeed, Mr Huntsman usually mentions Mr Obama only to explain that when the president offered him the job of ambassador to China, he accepted out of a sense of duty.
事实上,通常亨茨曼提到奥巴马都只是为了解释当总统提名他为驻华大使时,他是出于对国家的责任才接受的。 ecocn

It also mentions a few of the other noteworthy enhancements that are not covered in the other articles in this series.
文中还提到在本系列的其他文章中没有讲到的其他一些值得注意的增强。 ibm

Moore's omnivorous poems claim for poetry all the subjects that she mentions here and indeed many, many more.
摩尔包罗万象的诗中,要求诗歌拥有她在此提及的所有事物,实际上还有更多。 ecocn

Our chart, therefore, strips out any repeat mentions of individual titles.
因此,我们的图表没有重复提及个人所获的名次。 ecocn

She also mentions God more often than the average European bishop.
而且,她比欧洲一般的主教更喜欢提到上帝。 ecocn

The first section explores the four categories of unread books, into at least one of which Mr Bayard places every book he mentions.
第一部分探讨的是不需要读的四类书,巴雅得在他提到的每本书中,至少提及了其中一种。 ecocn

This article does not explain how to configure JMS resources but mentions them here for completeness.
本文并没有介绍如何配置 JMS资源,在此提到它们仅仅是为了本文的完整性。 ibm

Though the list mentions China as second to the United States in the number of billionaires, it did not specify how many the latter produced.
虽然名单提到中国是继美国之后亿万富翁数排在第二位的国家,但是名单没有说明美国有多少亿万富翁。 yeeyan




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