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Mentawai 基本例句 明打威群岛印度尼西亚西部或译民大威群岛 A crawl line appearing on all TV channels in Sumatra asking them to evacuate was not seen by people in the Mentawai Islands off Sumatra’s western coast because most villages there have no electricity. 而身在苏门答腊西海岸的明打威群岛的人们,则根本没有看到苏门答腊电视新闻播报的关于人员疏散的信息,因为那里绝大多数的村庄都没有通电。 yeeyan An earthquake and tsunami hit the remote Mentawai islands off the western coast of Sumatra in Indonesia, killing over300 people. Hundreds more were missing. 印度尼西亚苏门答腊岛 Sumatra西岸相隔很远的明打威 Mentawai群岛遭遇地震与海啸,300多人死亡,上百人失踪。 ecocn Hendri Dori Satoko, a lawmaker in the Mentawai Islands, told MetroTV: “Our latest data from crisis centre showed that108 people have been killed and502 are still missing.” 明打威群岛的立法者Hendri Dori Satoko告诉大家:“从受灾中心的最新数据显示已经有108人死亡,502人失踪。” yeeyan The district chief of the Mentawai Islands told the BBC that the focus for rescue teams now is to treat the hundreds of people who've been severely injured in the tsunami. 明打威群岛地区首脑告诉 BBC,目前搜救人员的主要任务是治疗在海啸中严重受伤的数百人。51ielts The epicentre was70km from the Mentawai islands, and the quake was felt there only weakly. 震中位于距民大威群岛70km处,岛上只有轻微震感。 ecocn The local government says it plans to set up a rehabilitation and reconstruction programme for Mentawai. 当地政府表示计划为明打威群岛设立修复和重建项目。51ielts The7.5 magnitude quake hit the Mentawai islands, late on Monday. 周一晚上,印尼明打威群岛附近海域发生里氏7.5级地震。 putclub A ship bearing aid including food, water, medical supplies as well as body bags arrived Thursday at Sikakap, on North Pagai island, one of the two worst-hit islands in the Mentawai group. 一艘装着救援物资的船于周四抵达了北巴盖岛的锡卡克,其中包括食物、水、医疗设备以及裹尸袋。 锡卡克是明打威两个灾情最严重的岛屿之一。 yeeyan Disaster response officials said bodies were being found on beaches and coastal areas in the Mentawai island chain, which took the full force of the tsunami as it washed away entire villages. 灾害管理部门官员称,在明打威岛链海滩和海岸发现了很多尸体。该地区是受海啸冲击最严重的地区,海啸吞没了整个村庄。 yeeyan Health Ministry Crisis Centre head Mudjiharto said the Mentawai waves reached up to three metres high and waters swept as far as600 metersyards inland on South Pagai island, the hardest hit. 卫生部危机处理中心负责人 Mudjiharto说明打威群岛的海波达到3米多高,波及岛屿600米的范围,破坏力相当的大。 yeeyan Hundreds are still missing after Monday's devastating tsunami struck the remote Mentawai islands of West Sumatra. 星期一发生的灾难性海啸袭击了西苏门答腊省明打威群岛,目前仍有数百人下落不明。 hjenglish Monday's quake generated a10-foot tsunami that struck the Mentawai islands, just off the Sumatran coast. 星期一的地震引发的10英尺高的巨浪袭击了苏门答腊岛附近的明打威群岛。 yeeyan Rescue workers are carrying food, tents and clothing to survivors of the tsunami on the remote Mentawai islands, off Sumatra's western coast. 救援人员正在为苏门答腊西海岸以外偏远的明打威群岛上海啸的幸存者送去食物、帐篷和衣服。 tingvoa The7.7-magnitude earthquake struck in the Mentawai Islands area west of Sumatra late Monday, generating waves as high as three meters10 feet that swept away10 villages, officials said. 官员报导,周一下午发生在苏门答腊岛西部的明打威群岛的7.7级的地震产生3米10英尺的地震波横扫了10个村庄。 yeeyan The Mentawai Islands are a wave- rich chain of about seventy islands and islets off the western coast of Sumatra in Indonesia one of the most consistent surf destinations in the world. 明打威群岛的一个岛屿约七十和关闭在印尼的苏门答腊岛,在世界上最稳定的冲浪胜地之一西海岸胰岛波丰富的链。 ozly.net Three days after a tsunami struck the remote Mentawai island chain in western Indonesia, the full scale of the disaster is emerging. 海啸袭击印度尼西亚西部明打威群岛三天之后,灾难的规模已经初见端倪。51ielts |