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词汇 menstruation
释义 men·stru·a·tion 英ˌmenstruːˈeɪʃən美ˌmɛnstruˈeʃənAHDmĕn'str›-āʹshən 高TCOCA³³¹⁰⁷BNC²²⁵⁴²iWeb¹⁷⁵⁵⁶

the monthly discharge of blood from the uterus of nonpregnant women from puberty to menopause;

the women were sickly and subject to excessive menstruation

a woman does not take the gout unless her menses be stopped

the semen begins to appear in males and to be emitted at the same time of life that the catamenia begin to flow in females

来自menstruate,来月经。anovular menstruation不排卵性月经…precocious menstruation初经过早,早发月经…profuse menstruation月经过多irregular menstruation月经不调vicarious menstruation异位月经,代偿性月经…menstruation heat经热scanty menstruation经水涩少membranous menstruation膜性月经suppressed menstruation医 经闭abnormal menstruation月经异常delayed menstruation初经迟延retrograde menstruation倒经
men月+sterS.名+u-ation行为/状态/结果S.名动⇒月经钱博士men月+sterS.名+u+ationS.名动⇒月经近义词 flow流动menses月经menstruum溶媒period一段时间catamenia医月经

用作名词When was your lastmenstruation?你上一次月经是什么时候?
Can you take medicine inmenstruation?在〈月经期间〉能吃药吗?noun.period
同义词 bleeding,discharge,menses,monthliesmenstrual cycle,one's friend,that time,the curse,time of the monthnoun.monthly women's state
同义词 catamenia,menorrhea,menses A number of medical conditions are subject to exacerbation at menstruation, a process called menstrual magnification.
在月经期间,许多体检生理状况遭遇恶化,这一过程被称为经期放大效应。 yeeyan

It is important that we understand why early menstruation occurs and these findings bring us closer to explaining this in some girls.
我们了解了为什么月经初潮提前,这些发现也可以进一步解释发生在某些女孩身上的现象,这些都很重要。 yeeyan

The pill prevents your body from making hormones involved in ovulation and menstruation.
避孕药使机体不产生排卵和月经来潮相关的激素。 yeeyan

A UK- led team located two genes on chromosomes six and nine that appear to strongly influence the age at which menstruation starts.
一个由英国领导的科研小组确定了染色体中编号为六号和九号的两条基因似乎强有力地影响了女性月经开始的年龄。 yeeyan

For his study, he defined puberty for girls as the onset of menstruation and for boys, voice change.
在研究中,他把女孩的青春期定义为月经初潮开始,男孩的定义为变声期开始。 yeeyan

Girls are reaching puberty earlier in the United States, where the average age of menstruation is about12 years, Deardorff said.
Deardorff说,美国的女孩进入青春期的年龄较早,在这里第一次月经的平均年龄是12岁。 yeeyan

Given the hormonal imbalances, headaches and pain many women feel during menstruation, this is hardly an earth-shattering discovery.
考虑到月经期间众多女性忍受的荷尔蒙失调、头痛和痛经等,这项研究结果实在算不上什么惊天动地的大发现。 yeeyan

If you're a girl, you'll notice that your breasts develop and your pubic hair grows, that you have a growth spurt, and that you get your period menstruation.
如果你是个女孩,你将会发现你的胸部在发育,你的阴毛在长长。你的青春期会急速增长,你会来月经。 yeeyan

Now scientists have found two genes involved in determining the onset of menstruation.
科学家们经研究发现了与月经初潮时间有关的两个基因。 yeeyan

Other researchers have focused on the start of menstruation without looking at factors such as income and ethnicity, according to background information in the study.
根据该研究领域的有关背景资料,其他的研究人员一直关注的是月经的开始时间,而忽视了其他的因素,比如收入和种族。 yeeyan

Our findings also indicate a genetic basis for the associations between early menstruation and both height and BMI.
我们的发现也显示了月经提前与身高和身体重量指数关系的基因基础。 yeeyan

Over the next years, other changes arrive: pubic and underarm hair, voice deepening, the adolescent growth spurt, acne, menstruation or semen production, and so on.
在以后的日子里,其它的变化也会随之而来:阴毛及腋毛的出现,声音变得深沉,身体迅速成长,长痘,来月经,产生精子等等。 yeeyan

Previous studies have shown a link between an earlier age for the start of menstruation and an increased risk of breast cancer.
以前的儿科研究也显示,女孩初次月经年龄较早与乳腺癌的风险增加有联系。 yeeyan

Prolonged periods of amenorrhea, the absence of menstruation, before menopause also increases the risk of osteoporosis.
绝经期来临之前的长时间闭经和月经未来也会增加骨质疏松的风险。 yeeyan

Sunlight, fever, stress, and menstruation are common triggers.
例如阳光、发烧、压力,甚至月经。 yeeyan

To qualify as PMS, symptom intensity must increase at least30% in the six days before menstruation.
若要确诊为经前综合症,在月经前6天时间内,症状强度必须至少增强30%。 yeeyan

Until someone remembered that unlike the war, menstruation wasn't going to end anytime soon, and that those nurses LOVED using their bandages during their periods.
只到有人突然想起来,月经并不会向战争一样这么快就结束了,而那些护士们也非常喜欢在经期使用这种止血绷带。 yeeyan

Women, during menstruation should use clean, soft cloth or sanitary napkins.
女士在月经期间应该选用干净、柔软的卫生巾。 yeeyan

Women typically have lower serotonin levels during PMS and menstruation, which may be one reason women typically experience stronger cravings for chocolate at these times in their cycles.
经前综合症和月经周期中的女性血清素含量通常偏低,这可能就是女性在这些时候特别想吃巧克力的原因。 yeeyan

Women's life stages are based on the reproductive cycle, beginning with menstruation and ending with menopause.
女性的生命阶段基于生殖周期,生殖周期始于月经初潮,止于绝经。 yeeyan

Menstruationa period is a major stage of puberty in girls; it's one of the many physical signs that a girl is turning into a woman.
月经例假的来到是女孩青春期中经历的一个重要阶段,它是女孩变为女人的众多生理变化之一。 yeeyan

Menstruation serves an important purpose, clearing the uterus out monthly in order to prepare the womb for a potential pregnancy.
月经是成熟女性的老朋友,显然也有很重要的作用。每月一次的月经有助于清理宫腔,为孕育宝宝做准备。 yeeyan




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