

单词 menopausal
释义 men·o·pau·sal 英,mɛno'pɔzl美,mɛno'pɔzl 高COCA³³⁵²⁴BNC⁴⁸⁵⁵⁵iWeb²¹³⁷⁴Economist²⁹⁹⁰¹⁺

of or relating to the menopausemenopause停经期menopausal period绝经期,经绝期…menopausal states绝经期状态post menopausal bleeding停经后出血menopausal index更年期指数human menopausal gonadotropin人绝经期促性腺激素…menopausal syndrome更年期综合征,经断前…

用作形容词Menopausal women should seek hormone replacement therapy.更年期的妇女应尝试荷尔蒙补充疗法。
Everyone is different, and one size does not fit all when it comes to treatingmenopausalsymptoms.每个人都是不一样的,对于治疗更年期的症状,同一种疗法并不适用于所有的人。 Doctors at the University Hospital Clinics of Modena, Italy, investigated2,500 women to see if menopausal symptoms could be linked to birth dates.
意大利蒙得拿大学医院调查了2500名妇女,以观察更年期症状是否受到生日的影响。 yeeyan

Does Depression Affect Menopausal Symptoms?
抑郁影响绝经期症状吗? yeeyan

The percentage of women with menopausal symptoms, and the percentage with severe vasomotor symptoms were linearly associated with the depressive symptom score.
女性绝经期症状的比例和重度血管舒缩性症状的比例,与抑郁症得分呈线性相关。 yeeyan

“ However, for about one in every five women, menopausal symptoms are severe enough to disrupt sleep and quality of life, ” she adds.
“然而,每五名中约一有位妇女的更年期症状严重,足以干扰睡眠和生活质量。” yeeyan

All were pre- menopausal and in monogamous relationships.
所有被选者均是一夫一妻制度下没有绝经女性。 ecocn

Depressive symptoms and menopausal burden in the midlife.
中年抑郁症与绝经期症状负载。 yeeyan

Dismissive of Waheeba, she scorns the very idea that this lump of a woman, “ obese, menopausal, illiterate”, could be her rival in anything.
她对瓦海巴不屑一顾,在她的想法中非常藐视这个女人,“肥胖、更年期、不识字”,浑身上下没有一点能跟她比。 ecocn

Indeed, the investigators emphasized that the results do not change recommendations concerning combination hormone therapy for the two-thirds of menopausal women who still have a uterus.
事实上,调研者强调这个研究并没有改变对于另外三分之二还带有子宫的更年期女性使用双重结合激素治疗的建议。 yeeyan

Information on demographics, medical and reproductive history, medication use, menopausal experience and depressive symptoms PHQ-8 were collected.
我们收集了她们的人口统计特征资料、病史和生育史,服用药物情况、绝经期体验和抑郁症状 PHQ-8。 yeeyan

More likely, they fear that I am setting a bad example to other menopausal empty- nesters, who may begin to question what the future holds for them.
更有可能的是,我为独守空巢的更年期女人做出一个坏榜样,她们会开始对自己的将来提出种种疑问。 yeeyan

Soya beans are also natural medicine for menopausal women, they not only provide the effect of estrogen, but also reduce the risk of cancer.
黄豆也是更年期妇女的天然药物,它既能引起雌激素的作用,又可降低致癌的风险。 ebigear

Synthetic hormones are used clinically to prevent pregnancy, control insulin levels in diabetics, compensate for a deficient thyroid gland and alleviate menopausal symptoms.
人工合成的激素被临床广泛应用:避孕、控制糖尿病的胰岛素水平、补充甲减病人缺乏的甲状腺激素、以及减轻更年期症状等。 yeeyan

The participants also completed surveys that contained questions concerning their financial strain, BMIBody Mass Index, depressive state, menopausal status, and sleep medication use.
同时她们还完成了关于她们财政紧张情况,体质指数,抑郁状态,绝经情况以及安眠药服用情况的调查。 yeeyan

These include persistent menopausal symptoms.
这包括持续的更年期症状。 hxen

These substances have weak estrogenfemale hormone activity and have been used for years as“ natural” remedies for hot flashes in menopausal women.
这些物质的雌性激素活动并不活跃,而且常年作为更年期女性潮热的“天然”疗药。 yeeyan

These women are seeking treatment for menopausal symptoms.
这些女性都在寻求治疗更年期综合症的方法。 joyen

Menopausal women in Nigeria experienced fewer hot flashes when they had sex more frequently.
在尼日利亚,性生活更频繁的更年期女性潮热次数更少。 yeeyan




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