

单词 mends
释义 mend·s 英mend美mend COCA¹¹⁹⁶¹⁴BNC⁷⁹⁰⁷⁶⁺¹¹
vt. & vi. 修理,修补


vi. 恢复; 康复

resume or regain; recover

vt. & vi. 改〔纠〕正; 改善〔进〕

free from faults or errors

sewing that repairs a worn or torn hole especially in a garment;

her stockings had several mends

the act of putting something in working order again
restore by replacing a part or putting together what is torn or broken;

She repaired her TV set

Repair my shoes please

heal or recover;

My broken leg is mending


❌ I'll have my watch mended.

✔️ I'll have my watch repaired.


mend, amend, fix, patch, repair




We have repaired the motor.我们已经修好了电动机。
Xiao Wang is repairing desks and chairs in the classroom.小王正在教室里修理桌椅。
The puncture has been repaired.那个洞被补上了。
The house must be repaired from top to bottom.这所房子必须彻底进行修理。


Let me mend the socks for you.让我来给你补袜子。
The child will soon mend if she has enough to eat.这孩子如果有足够的东西吃就会很快恢复健康。
The relations between John and David are mending.约翰与戴维的关系在改善。
It is never too late to mend.改过不嫌晚。
It is not too late to mend the fold even after some of the sheep have been lost.亡羊补牢,犹未为晚。


You must amend your pronunciation.你必须改正你的发音。
The thief has amended.这小偷改过自新了。
It's time you amended your ways.是你改过自新的时候了。
The regulations are amended.这些规则被修正了。


The workman patched the ceiling.工人修补了天花板。
This piece of material is just right to patch the roof.这块材料正好可用来补屋顶。
He patched all the fences near the house.他把靠近房子的围墙全都修了。mend,repair,patch,fix






用作动词 v.
~+名词mend a bicycle修自行车mend a broken cup修补一只坏杯子mend a chair修椅子mend a clock修钟mend a plow修犁mend a road修路mend a split修补裂缝mend a window修理窗户mend books修订书籍mend clothes补衣服mend nets补网mend one's fences修补篱笆mend shoes补鞋mend socks补袜子mend the fire添火mend the sleeve补袖子mend a fault改正错误mend matters改善事态mend one's fence改善关系,照顾自己选区内的政治利益mend one's manners改正自己的行为mend one's pace加快步伐mend one's way悔改mend relations改善关系mend the case挽回局面mend the state of affairs使事态好转mend working conditions改善工作条件~+副词mend soon很快恢复mend accurately准确地修理mend appreciably明显地恢复mend artfully灵巧地修复mend artistically艺术性地修复mend cleverly灵巧地修复mend constantly不断地修理mend deftly熟练地修复mend enthusiastically热情地修理mend expertly精于修理mend freely随意地修理mend generally一般地修理mend nicely顺利康复mend passively消极地修理mend periodically周期性地康复mend probably适当地修理mend quickly迅速地修理mend quietly悄悄地修理mend rapidly迅速地恢复mend responsibly负责任地修理mend shortly立即修理mend skilfully巧妙地修理mend slowly慢慢地修理mend slyly偷偷摸摸地修理mend thoroughly彻底地修理~+介词mend for为…修补mend with用…修补
mend with v.+prep.

用…修补 repair (sth with)

mend sth with sthShe mended a broken dish with glue.她用胶水把碟子粘好了。
The torn page was mended with tape.撕破的一页用胶带补好了。近义词 fixpatchrepairrestoreimprove反义词 ruinspoilworsendestroy
S+~+AI've been mending all night.我缝补了一夜。
Things are mending.情况正在好转。
The relations between Facer and Ade are mending.费塞与艾德的关系在改善。
The situation on the battlefield will begin to mend.战局将有转机。
It is never too late to mend.改过不嫌晚。
Least said quickest mended.少说为佳。
His fractured wrist is mending rapidly.他断裂的手腕在迅速康复。
He was waiting for his injury to mend.他正等待创伤好起来。
His health is mending.他的健康状况正在好转。
The patient is mending nicely after the operation.手术后病人在日益好转。
The child will soon mend if she has enough to eat.这孩子如果有足够的东西吃就会很快恢复健康。
S+~+ n./pron.Will you please mend the sleeve of my blouse?请你把我衬衣的袖子补一下好吗?
He asked his mother to mend the hole in the pocket of his jeans.他要他母亲为他缝补牛仔裤兜上的洞。
He used to come in and mend our cars.他过去常来给我们修车。
He sent for someone to mend the broken window.他叫人来修补破窗子。
Let me mend the socks for you.让我来给你补袜子。
I mended some toys for her.我给她修好了几样玩具。
You should mend your manners.你的态度得改一改。
I think I can do something to mend all this.我认为我能够为改善这一切做些事情。
He was anxious to mend the rift between the two men.他急于修补这两个人之间的裂痕。
Nothing short of this could mend the case.不这样就不能挽回局面。
The roads were never mended.这些路从未修过。其他v -ed as o-Compl.I had my shoes mended.我已让人修了我的鞋。


mend既可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作及物动词时,多表示“修理”“修补”,接名词或代词作宾语; 用作不及物动词时,常表示“好转,恢复”,还可用于生物体受伤部位自动接合或愈合。


用作及物动词We need an electrician tomendthe iron.我们要请电工修理熨斗。
It won't take long tomendthe car.修理这辆汽车用不了很长时间。
He sent for someone tomendthe broken window.他叫人来修补破窗子。
You'll have tomendyour ways if you want to be successful in your job.如果你想在你的工作中取得成绩的话,你一定要有所改进。用作不及物动词It is never too late tomend.改过不嫌晚。
The patient ismendingwell.这个病人的病情正在好转。
At length the crisis of the old man's disorder was past, and he began tomend.老人的危险期终于度过了,他开始痊愈起来。用作名词Themendswere almost invisible.修补过的地方几乎看不出来。
The doctor said that he was on themend.医生说他的病情正在好转。
The coat has amendon the elbow.这件外套的肘部补过。 In addition. the authors state the development mends of forest dynamic monitoring techniques for the future.
分析了未来森林动态监测技术的发展动向及趋势。 cnki

Rather than flaunting their purchases before recession- pinched passers-by, however, they asked for plain white shopping bags. As the global economy mends, such restraint is wearing off.
他们并不想在受危机影响而拉近裤腰带的路人面前炫耀自己的奢侈品,反而要求用普通的白色购物袋包装这些东西。 ecocn

The mends on your shirt were almost invisible.
你衬衣上修补的地方简直看不出来。 tdict

The mends were almost invisible.
修补的地方几乎看不见。 hjenglish

A new method is developed to determine the shear stress between cracked panel and the patch which mends the crack of the panel.
提出了一种计算含裂粘补结构胶层剪应力的新方法。 cnki

As the global economy mends, such restraint is wearing off.
当全球经济复苏的时候,这种克制又开始逐渐消失。 ecocn

But a simple device, which solves this problem successfully, mends the flaw of designs of many microscopes.
而一个简单的装置解决了这个问题,弥补了许多显微镜设计上的不足。 cnki

If any comfort can be found, it can, perhaps, be found by seeking the face of God, who quiets our troubled minds, a God who mends our broken hearts, a God who eases our mourning souls.
如果,要是真的有安慰的话,或许只有寻求上帝的面,让他来抚平我们的伤痛,上帝医治我们心里的创伤,上帝安抚我们悲恸的灵魂。 tianyablog

If severed, the material mends itself when the ends are pressed together for a few minutes at room temperature.
如果断了,只需在室温条件下将其断裂两端按住几分钟,即可自我修复。 kekenet

Jesus makes new life, mends wounded hearts, repairs broken home and builds mansions.
耶苏制造生命,治愈受伤的心,修复损坏的房屋还搭建公寓。 wlzb

Sarju, who is around45, mends shoes in Shahabpur’s bazaar, a rutted street lined with around30 shops.
萨尔朱,大约45岁左右,在沙哈普尔的集市上补鞋,集市是一条有车辙印的街道,周围林立了30多间店铺。 ecocn

She never mends her clothes; they all have holes in them.
她从来都不补缀衣服。因此,衣服上到处都是破洞。 wangxiao

Strengthens and mends hair fiber and promotes elasticity to prevent breakage and leave hair soft, vibrant and naturally healthy.
加强和修理,并促进头发纤维弹性,防止破损,给头发柔软,有活力,自然健康。 meili333

The experiment shows that this method mends traditional maximum flow algorithm, and improves the quality of web communities.
实验证明,本文给出的改进的边容量分配方法提高了所发现网络社区的质量。 cnki

This paper introduces a steganalysis algorithm based on statistics method for LSB steganography and mends it, proposes a method estimating the quantity of hiding data reliably.
介绍了一种基于统计特性的 LSB密写分析方法,对其进行了改进并提出了可靠估计信息隐藏长度的方法。 dictall

This counter mends cameras while you wait.
本柜为顾客修理照相机,立等可取。 tdict

While a ZFN is essentially just a pair of scissors, the recombinase in a ZFR both cuts and mends the break without resorting to unreliable enzymes.
然而,实质上ZFN只是一把“剪刀”,但拥有重组酶的 ZFR可以不依赖于其他不可靠的酶,同时完成剪切和修补工作。 yeeyan




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