

单词 memorandums
释义 me·mo·ran·dums 英memə'rændəmz美memə'rændəmz COCA⁶⁴⁸³¹BNC⁹¹⁵¹⁷⁺
名词 memorandum:
a written proposal or remindermemor-记忆-andumS,⇒n.备忘录便条
用作名词Opening thememorandumstealthily, she had deleted all those threememorandums.偷偷翻开备忘录,她把那三条备忘录都删了。
China is willing to signmemorandumswith ASEAN on long- and medium-term plans for bilateral agricultural cooperation.中国愿与东盟就双方农业合作的中长期规划签署备忘录。as in.data
同义词 dossier,evidence,goods,info,input,knowledge,picture,statistics,testimonyabstracts,circumstances,compilations,conclusions,details,documents,dope,experiments,facts,figures,materials,measurements,notes,proof,reports,results,scoop,scorebrass tacks,chapter and verse,whole story
datanoun information in visible form
abstracts,brass tacks,chapter and verse,circumstances,compilations,conclusions,details,documents,dope,dossier,evidence,experiments,facts,figures,goods,info,input,knowledge,materials,measurements,notes,picture,proof,reports,results,scoop,score,statistics,testimony,whole story The links below are for the related memorandums and forms for this year's conference.
以下为此次会议的通启及相关表格之连结。 bliayad

The links below are for the related memorandums and forms for this year's conference. If you have any question, please feel free to contact us.
以下为此次会议的通启及相关表格之连结。若您有任何疑问,请随时与我们联络。 bliayad

ABAN is one of the leading entrepreneurial firms that specialize in writing information memorandumsIM and linking investors with entrepreneurs.
亚洲商业天使投资网络是其中一个领先的创业型企业,专门编写资料记录和连接投资者与企业家。 aban.asia

Both leaders also witnessed a signing ceremony of four memorandums of understanding including one on food safety.
两位领导人也出席了包括食品安全在内的四项谅解备忘录的签署仪式。 blog.sina.com.cn

Debit memorandums issued by the bank on a depositor's account for service charges or for deposited checks returned because of insufficient funds.
由于资金不足,银行发布的借方备忘录在存户的帐户为劳务费或为被放置的检查返回了。 tianya

In recent months, Somalia's neighbor, Kenya, has signed memorandums of understanding with the United States, Britain, and the European Union to accept suspected pirates and to prosecute them in Kenya.
近几个月来,索马里的邻国肯尼亚跟美国、英国和欧盟签署了一系列谅解备忘录,接受海盗嫌疑人并在肯尼亚起诉他们。 ebigear

In the past12 months, the United States Patent and Trademark Office signed three Memorandums of Understanding with its Chinese counterparts to enhance cooperation on intellectual property issues.
过去12个月里,美国专利商标局与中国方面签订了三份关于加强知识产权合作的备忘录。 hxen

In a personal list called“ memorandums of gift”, he wrote that he gave away80,000 shares to16 people on Dec.31,2001. That was one day before he began work at the company as its president.
他在其称为“礼物备忘录”的私人清单中写道,他于2001年12月31日送给十六个人八万张股票,而那天是他成为公司总经理的前一天。 hjenglish

Now a series of diary entries, written by a woman who saw those memorandums, has come to light.
现在,一系列日记作品问世了,它由一名当时看了那些回忆录的妇女所写。 yeeyan

Now they were spread out in front of me: original memorandums, handwritten notes in journals, and drafts of various official documents, all written in Russian.
现在这些文件就摆在我的面前:原始的备忘录,在日志上手写的笔记,各种官方文件的草稿,全部用俄文书写。 yeeyan

Other entries that the bank has made in the depositor's account are described in debit or credit memorandums enclosed with the statement.
银行在存户的帐户做了的其他词条在借方或信用备忘录被描述附寄声明。 tianya

Prepare and maintain files, reports, letters, memorandums and other relevant business documentations.
准备及维持文件、报告、书信、备忘录及其它相关商业文件。 shuaichu

Research Memorandums are research papers on economic and financial subjects prepared by staff members in the Research Department of the HKMA.
研究备忘录收录了金管局经济研究部同事就经济金融事务所编撰的研究资料及文章。 kuenglish

Several secret memorandums even passed between a few.
几位同事间甚至流传着几份秘密的备忘录。 www.likem8.com

The memorandums should be typed and double- spaced. They should be written as if your were presenting it to your business colleagues.
报告必须使用二倍行距并印出,应像是你向公司同事讲解一样撰写。 www2.myoops.org

Three of Lafferty’s colleagues confirm the story, as do letters, memorandums, and other documents.
三位拉弗蒂的同事证实了这个故事,此外还有信件、备忘录和其他文件等物证。 yeeyan




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