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memorably 英'mɛmərəbli美'mɛmərəbli 高COCA⁴²⁵³⁶BNC³⁰⁸⁰⁰iWeb²⁸²³⁶Economist²⁶⁷⁷⁸⁺⁵ 基本英英搭配记法近义反义例句 adv.留在记忆中地²⁰;显著地⁴⁰;明确地⁴⁰ 待客寒暄
Adverb: in a memorable manner;Horowitz could play Chopin memorably memorable值得纪念的 memor-记忆-ably能干地⇒adv.留在记忆中地²⁰;显著地⁴⁰;明确地⁴⁰近义词 notably显著地strikingly显著地outstandingly醒目地unusually异乎寻常地remarkably显著突出地impressively令人难忘地hauntingly萦绕于心头地…extraordinarily非常格外unforgettably不会被遗忘地难忘地…反义词 unmemorably不值得纪念地… A tagline is a slogan which succinctly, memorably, and descriptively sums up a company or product. 口号是一条简洁而令人印象深刻的标语,用来描述一个公司或产品。 yeeyan As Stewart Brand, an American futurologist, memorably put it, “ information wants to be free, ” and one of the lessons of the new biology is that it is all about information. 诚如美国的一位预言家斯图尔特布兰德说的这样一番令人印象深刻的话,“信息需要被共享,”新型生物学中有一门课就完全是关于信息方面的。 ecocn In the long run we are all dead, as John Maynard Keynes memorably quipped, but humanity could at least get something out of it. 很久以后,我们都会死去,但是就如约翰·梅纳德·凯恩斯 John Maynard Keynes所说的那样,人类至少能从中得到些什么。 yeeyan This president memorably consigned Iranwith Iraq and North Korea to an“ axis of evil” in January2002. 2002年1月,布什震聋发馈地把伊朗外加伊拉克和朝鲜定性为“邪恶轴心”。 ecocn.org As George Washington memorably told Thomas Jefferson, this was to “ cool” House legislation as a saucer cools hot tea. 正如华盛顿告诉杰斐逊的值得纪念的卓见:就像用碟子冷却热茶一样,这也会使得众议院的立法变得更冷静。 ecocn As President Obama's former chief of staff memorably pointed out, no serious crisis should go to waste. 正如奥巴马总统的前内阁成员指出的那样,不应该浪费过去任何一个重大的危机。 yeeyan British cars like the Allegro and the Morris Marina, once memorably described as a skip on wheels, have come to embody the national humiliation of that benighted era. 像阿莱格罗和莫里斯玛丽娜那样的英国汽车,在人们的记忆中一度被称之为车轮上的跳板,现在成为了那个愚昧时代国耻的象征。 yeeyan But he also finds other vantage points from which to gaze at the heaving muck of New York, most memorably Manhattan’s municipal courthouse. 但是他也找到了其他有利位置,可以凝视纽约的黑暗面,最印象深刻的是曼哈顿的市政法院。 yeeyan But there are also screaming eels, a pit of despair, and an evil genius played memorably by Wallace Shawn. 不过也有尖叫的鳝鱼,绝望的坑,还有 Wallace Shawn扮演的令人难忘的邪恶天才。 yeeyan Falling transport costs in the18th and19th centuries enabled Britain and Portugal to trade wool and port as the political economist David Ricardo memorably pointed out. 在18、19世纪,运费下降使得英国和葡萄牙能够做羊毛和波尔图葡萄酒的生意正如政治经济学家大卫·李嘉图所指出。 ecocn First we need a computer that doesn't give Toronto as an answer to a clue about“ U.S. Cities, ” as Watson memorably did for Final Jeopardy in the first game. 首先,我们需要一台当提出关于“美国城市”问题时不会给出“多伦多”作为答案的计算机,就像沃森在《危险边缘》总决赛首轮闹出的让人印象深刻的笑话那样。 yeeyan His manager memorably said on seeing the14-year-old winger in his trial that “ he looked as relaxed and natural on the park as a dog chasing a piece of silver paper in the wind”. 他的教练在回忆测试时看到的那个14岁的边锋时说,“他在球场上看起来很放松很自然,就像荒野中追逐锡箔片的小狗一样”。 yeeyan Indeed, after new coach Paulo Bento confirmed that he would remain the captain of the side, Cristiano delivered a trio of virtuoso performances against Denmark, Iceland and most memorably, Spain. 事实上,自从葡萄牙新教练保罗·本托确认罗纳尔多继续担任国家队队长,克里斯蒂亚诺连续打出了三场精彩的比赛,对阵丹麦,冰岛,以及最引人瞩目的,西班牙。 yeeyan Mia Kirshner gives a memorably weird performance as Elizabeth Short in scenes from a black-and-white screen test that the investigators keep re-running. 米亚•柯诗娜 Mia Kirshner在调查人员反复播放的黑白试镜场景之中饰演伊丽莎白•肖特,其诡异的表演给人留下深刻的印象。 ecocn No less memorably, his wife took the pupils from a north London secondary school whom she first met two years ago around an Oxford college. 而另一处场景同样引起了轰动。他的妻子带着她2年前见过的北伦敦中学的孩子们参观了牛津大学。 yeeyan One profile memorably likened the firm to a“ great vampire squid wrapped around the face of humanity, relentlessly jamming its blood funnel into anything that smells like money.” 在一篇令人难忘的文章中,这家公司被形容为一条“吸血的人面大章鱼,把吸血触手无情的伸进任何有金钱味道的地方”。 yeeyan Stempel memorably referred to the contract as a “ win-win” when it actually was a“ win- lose.” 斯坦普尔明确地将这一合约视为“双赢”,而实际上它创造的是“赢-输”的格局。 fortunechina Taylorism, which Charlie Chaplin lampooned so memorably in“ Modern Times”, has spread from the industrial to the post- industrial economy. 泰勒主义,查理。卓别林在“摩登时代”很明显讽刺过的,已从工业弥散到了后工业经济。 ecocn The bard puts it more memorably, of course. 当然,作为诗人的莎士比亚让同样的话更加使人印象深刻了。 yeeyan |