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Arctocebus 基本英英例句 金史¹⁰⁰
Noun: a genus of LorisidaeAny of several small nocturnal African primates of the genera Perodicticus andArctocebus, having a pointed snout, large eyes and ears, and a stumplike index finger and tail.树熊猴非洲产的一种小的夜行性懒猴属及狐猴属灵长类动物,生有尖而突出的鼻子,大眼睛,大耳朵,中指及尾皆退化 Any of several small nocturnal African primates of the genera Perodicticus andArctocebus,having a pointed snout,large eyes and ears,and a stumplike index finger and tail.树熊猴非洲产的一种小的夜行性懒猴属及狐猴属灵长类动物,生有尖而突出的鼻子,大眼睛,大耳朵,中指及尾皆退化。 9. Any of several small nocturnal African primates of the genera Perodicticus andArctocebus, having a pointed snout, large eyes and ears, and a stumplike index finger and tail.树熊猴非洲产的一种小的夜行性懒猴属及狐猴属灵长类动物,生有尖而突出的鼻子,大眼睛,大耳朵,中指及尾皆退化收藏指正 ;Arctocebuscalabarensis金熊猴 ; |