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词汇 meme
释义 meme 英miːm美mimAHDmēm ●○○○○IMDB²³⁴⁰⁴

a cultural unit an idea or value or pattern of behavior that is passed from one person to another by non-genetic means as by imitation;

memes are the cultural counterpart of genes

由当代英国演化生物学家根据希腊语杜撰出来的一个词。来自希腊语mimeisthai,模仿,词源同mime,mimetic.用于指生物的模仿传递行为,拼写部分受到gene的影响。noun.cultural item repeatedly transmitted
同义词 buzzword,trendconcept,craze,fad,fashion,idea,kick,meteor,vogue
meteornoun anything that progresses with spectacular speed
asteroid,buzzword,comet,craze,fad,firework,flare,meteoroid,shooting star,torpedo Already, the return is a multiple of the small meme you first shared.
这样,你最初分享的微不足道的东西带来了大量的回报。 yeeyan

As far as we know the term “ guerrilla gardening” originated in this Handbook in1993. Since then the term has become a meme, spreading far and wide.

The content of Meme is not created or conceived by Yahoo! Southeast Asia.
Meme的内容不由雅虎东南亚发布,也不归其所有。 yeeyan

The purpose of Meme is to reach a large audience; for such reason, do not post content that is adult-rated and directed specifically to the adult audience.
Meme的宗旨是面向一切受众,因此,请勿发布成人内容或发布已指明只适合成人的内容。 yeeyan

The purpose of Meme is to be a site of sharing of content produced and found by users, built by people like you.
Meme的宗旨是为大家提供一个分享用户自己和用户发现的内容的平台。 yeeyan

The team behind Meme believes in freedom of speech.
Meme团队崇尚言论自由。 yeeyan

The meme even rated an entry in the list of ten mythical creatures that exploded online early in the year.
作为一个文化迷因,它甚至打入了今年早些时候出现在网上的十大神兽排行。 yeeyan

Any other form of undue use of Meme for obtaining advantage considered undue, or further, causing damages to other people, will also be deemed a fraud.
任何其他形式对 Meme的不当使用并构成不当得利的,或使他人产生损失的,也会被视为欺诈。 yeeyan

Commercial use of Meme, without express consent of Yahoo! Brazil is further forbidden.
未经雅虎巴西同意,禁止将 Meme用于商用。 yeeyan

If you try to control a meme, you just tend to squash it, so enjoy it without ego and let it take itself wherever it wants to go.
如果你试图掌控一个点子,那么你只是在试图毁掉它。所以,无私的去享受它吧,让它自由的沿着自己的方向走下去。 yeeyan

In the posts or reposts do not add links to sites that contain virus or malicious programs that may affect the operation of Meme or of the computers of those accessing them.
请勿在发布和转发的内容中添加包含有可能威胁 Meme运营或 Meme用户电脑安全的病毒或恶意程序的网站链接。 yeeyan

In your Meme, you may post texts, photos, video and music.
在您 Meme的个人主页,你可以发布文字、视频、和音乐。 yeeyan

Interestingly, users can also comment on links and stories from users they do not follow, but Yahoo Meme puts an interesting twist on the commenting system, though.
非常有意思的是,用户也可以对他没关注的其他用用户的链接和文章进行评论,但是雅虎 Meme对评论系统做了一个有趣的改动。 yeeyan

Now if that meme can just get out to a few state legislatureshere's looking at you, New Jersey, we'd be set.
如果现在这个因子只能传达到少数几个州的立法机关,我们将做准备。 yeeyan

Offensive language is not welcome in Meme.
无礼的语言在 Meme是不受欢迎的。 yeeyan

One of the advisers contended that, although the Big Society had flopped as a campaigning message at the general election, it has worked as a‘ meme’.
顾问中有一个人认为,虽然作为普选口号,“大社会”这个观点已经衰弱了,作为文化遗产的基因,它一直发挥着作用。 ecocn

Remember that you are exclusively responsible for all acts that you perform and for the content you post or repost in Meme.
请谨记您将对您的所有行为和在 Meme上发布和转发的内容负全部责任。 yeeyan

So whenever a meme achieves a certain level of activity, we catch that, and we update the website to include that meme.
所以每当一条迷言达到一定程度的活跃度时,我们捕捉到这个情况,就更新网站,把这条迷言包含进去。 yeeyan

The community depends on every person to maintain Meme a safe, fun and pleasant place to all.
Meme的安全、有趣、愉快依靠每个人的努力来维持。 yeeyan

These Rules are made to help you to do your share in the construction of a fun and positive environment for Meme.
我们制定以下规则是为了帮助大家共同为 Meme构建一个有趣、积极的网站环境。 yeeyan

They cannot copy, let alone vary and select information themselves. So could any of our modern meme products take the step our hominid ancestors did long ago and begin a new kind of copying?
它们无法复制,抛开它们本身可以被转变和被提取出的信息不说,我们现代的媒母产品是否能向前迈一步开始一种新的复制方式,就像我们的原始人祖先在多年以前做的那样呢? yeeyan

Unlike most of Yahoo's products, Meme doesn't have an API yet, so third-party developers can't write new desktop and web tools for it yet.
跟雅虎的多数产品有点不同, Meme还没有 API,因此第三方的开发者还不能为这款产品开发桌面应用或者网络工具。 yeeyan

When this happens, the best that you can pray for is that you don’t become a popular Chinese meme.
如果这样的事情发生了,你所能祈祷出现的最好情况只能是不要变成一个中国的网络红人。 yeeyan

Yahoo is launching a version of its“ Yahoo Meme” platform in Chinese, the Washington Post reported. It will face stiff competition from MSN Juku, which is based on Windows Live Messenger.
据《华盛顿邮报》报道,雅虎将推出其微型博客平台 Yahoo Meme的中文版,与基于 Windows Live Messenger平台的“ MSN聚酷”展开激烈竞争。

You are responsible for the quality of the posts in your Meme.
您需要对您发布在 Meme上的内容质量负责。 yeeyan

Meme is a site where people may post, repost and share the content they deem interesting.
Meme一个供人们发布消息,转发消息,分享自己感兴趣内容的网站。 yeeyan

Meme is a diversified community of people with distinct opinions and views.
Meme是用许多有着不同想法和观点的人们组成的网络社区。 yeeyan

Meme is not a punch bag where you may vent your personal frustrations or curse.
Meme并不是您发泄个人挫折和咒骂的出气筒。 yeeyan

Meme uses the same one-way follow system as Twitter, and items from users you follow will appear in your stream, mixed in with your own items.
Meme跟 Twitter一样使用的单向好友关注系统,你关注用户发布的条目也会出现在你的信息流中,与你自己的条目混合在一起。 yeeyan

Do not use Meme for political advertising in noncompliance with Philippine laws.
请勿将 Meme用于违背菲律宾法律的政治宣传用途。 yeeyan




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