

单词 member state
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A directive shall be binding, as to the result to be achieved, upon each Member State to which it is addressed, but shall leave to the national authorities the choice of for and methods.
指令中对提及的个成员国规定将要达到的结果将具有法律约束力,但是各国官方将有权选择达到目标的形式和方法。 blog.sina.com.cn

The process of reform is Member State- driven and inclusive.
改革进程由会员国推动并具有包容性。 who

“China’s bilateral approach to each member state and the pull of short-term national interests is leading to a fragmentation of E.U.- China policy, ” Mr. Godement said.
哥德芒特先生说“中国对每个欧盟成员国采取的不同的双边策略以及各国短期利益的驱使,将导致欧盟对华政策变得更缺乏统一性。” yeeyan

Abbas said he will ask the U. N. Security Council to accept the Palestinians as a full member state because their peace talks with Israel have failed.
阿巴斯当时说,鉴于巴勒斯坦和以色列的和平谈判失败,他将要求联合国安理会接受巴勒斯坦为一个完全会员国。 voanews

According to the working patterns and means of international G8 member state, the paper studies some obstacles of Ecommerce based on digital libraries, and puts forward several possible patterns.
本文借鉴国际 G8成员国的运作模式及运作手段,提出了我国数字图书馆电子商务中存在的瓶颈,并对可能参用的模式进行了探讨。 cnki

Council can restore the rights of a suspended Member State.
安全理事会可恢复被终止的成员国的权利。 nciku

EEE sold by distance is counted in the Member State of the purchaser.
在成员国的购买者,通过远程销售的电子电器产品也被计算在内。 dianyuan

Interests, he says, will take precedence over values as China pursues a different approach with each E.U. member state.
当中国对每个欧盟成员国采取不同策略时,利益问题将比价值问题占有更优先的地位。 yeeyan

Since Austria became a member state of the European Union it has gained closer ties to other European Union economies, reducing its economic dependence on Germany.
自从奥地利成为欧盟的成员国,它和欧盟其他国家经济联系更加紧密,减少了对德国经济的依赖。 ebigear

Supporting the reform and strengthening the UN peace-keeping operations are duties of every member state.
支持改革并加强联合国维和行动,每一个会员国都责无旁贷。 www.fmprc.gov.cn

Member State may require that the labelling and the user package leaflet shall also state the nature of the tradition in question.
成员国应当规定:在标签和用户包装说明书中,也应声明该药品所涉及的使用历史。 cn-em




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