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member nations短语⁶⁴⁰⁴¹ 基本例句 成员国 The European Central Bank has been battling to quell concerns surrounding the debt crisis in Greece and other European Union member nations. 欧洲中央银行一直在努力平息希腊和其他欧盟成员国的债务危机给人们带来的担忧之情。 yeeyan An intergovernmental organization, FAO has191 member nations, one associate member and one member organization, the European Union. 作为一个政府间组织,粮农组织拥有191个成员国,一个准成员和一个成员组织,即欧洲联盟。 fao But, in reality, politics trumps legal niceties when member nations negotiate among themselves in the council. 但事实上,当成员国在理事会内部协商时,政治往往压过法律的细枝末节。 yeeyan But OPEC and its member nations maintain that raising capacity is unlikely to have any impact. 但是欧佩克及其成员国坚持表示,提高产油能力不大可能产生任何效果。 ebigear Finance ministers of the24 advanced and developing economies said the funding increase takes effect immediately with the money coming from the agency's185 member nations. 来自24个发达国家和发展中国家的财政部长说,增加资金规模立即生效,资金将来自国际货币基金组织185个成员国。 ebigear However, this ongoing ban allows member nations to grant themselves special permits to kill whales for scientific research, with the proviso that the whale meat is utilised following data collection. 可是,这项正在实施的禁捕令却给予成员国特许,可以科学研究为目的而捕杀鲸,而附加的条件是将鲸肉用于数据采集。 yeeyan In order to pass, the plan needs the approval of all EU member nations along with the European Parliament. 这项计划要得到通过,还必须赢得欧盟所有成员国以及欧洲议会的批准。 ebigear North Korea will abandon its nuclear ambitions, if at all, when the US and other six- party member nations put a deal on the table that all sides can accept. 如果北韩肯从根本上放弃其核抱负,届时,美国和其他六方会谈成员国就会拿出一个令所有方都能接受的解决方案。 yeeyan Other participants include Japan and the member nations of the European Space Agency ESA. 参与建设的其他国家有日本和欧空局 ESA的成员国。 yeeyan Out of the208 FIFA member nations,204 attempted to qualify for the2010 World Cup. 在国际足联208个成员国中有204个国家参加了2010年世界杯预选赛。 xianguo.com The federation would prove to have few practical benefits, and relations among the member nations would deteriorate. 该联盟后来证明并没有什么实际的好处,而且成员国之间的关系也逐渐恶化。 yeeyan The proposal still needs to be passed by three-quarters of the IWC member nations at its annual congress in Morocco this June. 该计划仍有待于今年六月在摩洛哥召开的年度大会上由 IWC四分之三的会员国表决通过。 yeeyan US Whaling Commissioner Monica Medina informed the88 member nations of the whaling commission of the report and urged the commission to conduct further research. 美国捕鲸专员莫妮卡梅迪纳向捕鲸委员会的88个会员国通报了这一报告,并敦促该委员会进行进一步的研究。 yeeyan |