

单词 melted down
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The financial system has been under severe stress for more than a year, and there should have been carefully thought-out contingency plans ready to roll out in case the markets melted down.
金融体系处在重压之下业已一年有余,因应有朝一日市场崩溃的应变方案也该经过深思熟虑整装待发了。 yeeyan

The lead was melted down and poured into moulds.
铅被熔化后倒入了铸模。 iciba

A lot of scrap metal can be melted down and used again.
大量金属碎片可以熔化进行再利用。 iciba

As he and his friend got closer, they saw a steel pot sitting on top of the coals, with the toothpaste tubes being melted down.
当他和他朋友走近时,他们看见一个钢壶架在炭上,里面的废牙膏皮正在熔化。 iciba

But if the same copper were melted down and made into ornaments which people wore proudly and others admired, then we would consider the copper radically transformed.
如果把这个痰桶融化做成铜饰品,人们可以戴在身上炫耀,别人也会很羡慕,好像这个铜被彻底转化了; zftrans

In a nearby room pallets of it are being packed up and shipped to an undisclosed location, where the bars will be melted down and recast in prettier forms.
在邻近的一个房间这些破相黄金已经打包装好,然后运到一个秘密的地方,在那里它们将被融化,并重新铸造得光滑整齐。 yeeyan

Metal scrap can be melted down and reused.
废旧金属可以熔化后再使用。 iciba

Miyazaki has claimed that the building contains a nuclear reactor that has long since melted down.
宫崎骏宣称这个建筑很久以前包含一个熔化的原子反应堆。 animamix

Of course, many of the clothes hitting stores now were in the works long before global financial markets melted down in the fall.

Since then, three of the plant's six reactors are believed to have partially melted down.
到目前为止,六个反应堆里的三个已确定开始部分融化。 gelievable

The Caesium-137 may be buried in a scrap yard under tonnes of metal, and local officials believe it could have been melted down.
这块丢失的铯-137可能埋在一个废置场,压在几吨废金属下面;当地官员认为这块材料可能已经被熔化了。 yeeyan

The furniture inside the room also remained intact and only the TV set was melted down by the heat.
周围的家具都没有着火,只有电视机受热融化了。 ebigear




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