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词汇 melrose
释义 melrose
A few miles away, Amy Weiss and her mother, Kathy, said they planned to fight the city's order to close their shop, Buds on Melrose.
离这家药店不远,艾米·韦斯和她母亲凯西表示,她们计划与关闭药店的政府法规作战到底。她们的药店是 Buds on Melrose。 yeeyan

In the early years of his marriage, Dad wanted to buy some land so they could bring Melrose home to live and he could have“a place to roam.”
他结婚头几年,就想买片地以便他们可以把麦罗斯带回家住,让他有块“闲逛的地方”。 zftrans

“ We realised that a number of our stores were seeing Chinese speaking customers on a daily basis, ” said Kyoko Ogasawara, press officer at Melrose.
梅尔罗斯公司的新闻官Kyoko Ogasawara表示:“我们意识到,我们的许多店铺每天都有操中文的顾客光临。” yeeyan

But Chinese shoppers at Melrose now favour clothes by Japanese designers.
但是,现在,梅尔罗斯公司的中国顾客对日本设计师设计的服装青睐有加。 yeeyan

Dad cajoled his brother out of his tantrum by pointing at his own shoulder and urging Melrose to hit him.
父亲哄他不要发脾气,指着自己的肩,要麦罗斯用力捶。 iciba

Developers and publishers in47 countries can use Melrose to distribute and monetize AIR applications.
包括中国在内的47个国家的开发者可以发布他们的 AIR应用。 wedoswf

I'm your niece, Uncle Melrose.
我是你的侄儿,麦罗斯叔叔。 zftrans

In December2009 Melrose Corporation, a Tokyo based clothing company, introduced a Chinese language manual for staff in response to the rise in the number of Chinese speaking customers.
由于操中文的顾客不断增长,2009年12月,东京的梅尔罗斯服装公司为员工引入了一本中文手册。 yeeyan

Me, tall, blonde and fair with my hand on Uncle Melrose's bent back.
我,高高的个子,金黄色的头发,白皙的肤色,一只手搭在叔父麦罗斯的驼背上。 zftrans

Not everyone is so understanding when Uncle Melrose and I are out together.
我和麦罗斯叔叔一同出去时,并不是每个人都如此宽容理解的。 zftrans

Once we got in the car, Uncle Melrose was in heaven.
一上车,麦罗斯叔叔就乐上了天。 zftrans

Sometimes, frustrated with a world he could not understand or manage, Melrose would throw himself on the floor and kick, punching the air with his fists.
有时,麦罗斯因对世事不能理解和驾驭而大感恼火,他会扑倒在地,用脚乱踢,向空中挥舞拳头。 zftrans

The caseworker escorted me into the day room to meet Uncle Melrose.
那个管理人员陪我走进日间活动室去看望麦罗斯叔叔。 zftrans

The competition decides the winner of the Melrose Cup, named after the Scottish town in which sevens originated.
七人制世界杯的冠军将夺得梅尔罗斯杯。 梅尔罗斯是一个苏格兰城镇,是七人制橄榄球起源地。 yeeyan

Uncle Melrose is bent nearly double from scoliosis and his clear blue eyes are crossed.
他的背因脊椎侧凸而弯得厉害,身子差不多要对摺起来,一双明亮的蓝眼睛是斜视的。 zftrans

When Willie brought Uncle Melrose in, Dad jumped up and walked to his brother.
当威利把麦罗斯叔叔带进来时,父亲一下子跳起来向他弟弟走去。 zftrans

Melrose, isn't it nice to have your niece visit you?
麦罗斯,你侄儿来看你,是不是好高兴啊? zftrans

Melrose is the exception in this day and age, where most people know lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people as real people, as members of their family, or as their friends and co-workers.
麦罗斯是当今时代的一个例外。大多数人们以真正的人来认识女同性恋、男同性恋、双性恋、变性人,就像他们家庭成员,他们的朋友和他们的同事。 yeeyan




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